very drained

1 minute read time.

hey guys im new to this website.. so here's a long story short..

basically was with my boyfriend for 6 months, he started to get sick and weak, got a colonoscopy and found out he had advanced bowel cancer..

he had chemo, radiotherapy and surgery.. a year on and things are looking much better.. the tumor was removed completely, except now he has a permanant colostomy..

he will be having more surgery in 3 weeks time to remove liver mets..

basically most of our relationship has been in and out of hospitals, and him being ill.. i feel so drained and tired.. in this whole process i have lost so many so called "friends", and have missed so many days off work..

i know im depressed but then there are days when im feeling upbeat and posative.. its so hard because we really want to get married and buy a house etc.. im 24 and he's 23 but atm our lives have been put on hold for this.. i know he's young and strong and fighting it but i still feel so down and emotional..

to know he has to have liver surgery is just another thing to make me drained.. seeing him him in hospital after bowel surgery just made me feel so sad.. he was in so much pain and i couldnt do a thing about it..

just wondering if anybody else has had a similar experience to me?


  • FormerMember

    hey I saw your post to my blog and so thought I would take the time to read yours! sounds like both you and your partner are staying strong and it will pay off! I hope there is a quick turn around for him now! I have the support around me at the moment which I cannot fault in the slightest and I'm so grateful for it. my partner is doing a fantastic job and after I'm finished with treatment I'm looking to say thank you by taking her for what will be a much needed holiday! as for putting life on hold I felt like that at first but now I'm thinking why bother putting it on hold. so me and my partner have started looking for new places to live. though I'm taking a bit of time off work I think I've got it in me to start a fresh and look forward to the future! it sounds like you and my partner are in similar boats and I think you guys are the kind of people I have so much time for because of how strong and supportive you are being. what is the next stage for your partner if you don't mind me asking? how have you found the support at the hospitals you attend? x

  • FormerMember

    hey jimmy12 its really tough when docs give you the worst case because your cancer is advanced.. what i told my boyfriend from the start is that most of docs havent even seen someone as young as my boyfriend with this cancer so how do they know what will happen? he has so far responded really well to chemo and radiotherapy.. he also just had part of the colon removed where the tumor was and has now got a colostomy bag which he's dealing with really well..

    the next step is to operate on the two tumors growing inside his liver in 2 weeks.. he's surgeon is very high up and well known so i have strong confidence in him..

    the step after that is to hopefully have keyhole surgery to remove lung mets.. his doc said he would need to have scans for five years because his cancer was advanced..

    its a long and tiring journey i think it helps when you have someone there to support you like your girlfriend..

    may i ask what is the plan for you? your doing really well, my boyfriend is quite cocky and believed he would beat this, and he is! i think the right attitude is everything to..

    when he was having chemo the nurses were wondeful and the support was fantastic! they're very understanding and give you answers..

    we are in the same boat it seems! message me anytime you need to chat :)


  • FormerMember


    yeah i think that youth and being strong from the outset is always a point that gets over looked, so in the case of me and your boyfriend we have those things on our side which should give that extra boost which is sometimes just what you need!

    It sounds like you have the right staff around supporting you though! so i think you are in good hands there! i've had good staff around me and hopefully they will keep up their work to get me through it all! which hospital does your fella attend?

    my plan at the moment is fairly straightforward, 6 cycles of abvd, with a pet scan after the 2nd cycle. i start my 2nd cycle on monday. If the result of the pet scan is negative, then they will possibly drop the 'b' drug, however if it is positive they will possibly put me on beacopp or something like that. but they said dont worry about that right now just concentrate on getting a negative scan result. fairly straight forward (lets hope anyways).

    i know you said you put marriage plans and house plans on hold etc, however have you managed to make any other plans instead to keep you aiming for things and keep you having something to look forward to? ive just stopped working because i get too tired too easily doing it, so now im trying to come up with a plan for the summer to see if i can have something to keep me occupied with the extra time, struggling with good ideas so far though :(!

    But yeah i have started out strong minded and hope to stay that way :)! hope you guys can both do the same. But yeah same to you if you need to chat or anything just give me a shout i'll be all ears!

    nick x x

  • FormerMember

    we are starting to think we should look for a house next year.. and marriage plans well he knows id say yes if he asked! :P hahha..

    he goes to hospitals in melbourne (we're from australia) which are very good, and have really top surgeons! i think it helped that he was young because all the docs want to do everything they can for him..

    i think planning something ahead is great like a holiday.. me and my boy went to queensland for a week and it was the best! we relaxed and ate and swam it was a real break from everything.. something we definatly needed!

    i think my boyfriend gets bored easily at home, and sometimes its very frustrating because all we seem to do is watch telly.. this is because he has no energy usually.. but its resting which is needed.. does your girlfriend come with you to chemo etc? will you be having surgery in future? i hope all your scans go well! im sure they will :) keep your chin up!


  • FormerMember

    hey sorry its been a while for the reply. been a rough couple of weeks. my third chemo didn't go so well this time :(! starting to perk back up just in time for my fourth though!

    but it sounds like you have some great things to look forward to together :)! i have my next scan on the 1st of june and the result on the 6th. so after that i ccan really get a sense of where im going with all this i feel.

    my girlfriend comes with me to chemo and everything really. she is a star i really appreciate how out of the way she goes for me. always makes things easier having that one person to go that extra mile, as im sure is the case with you guys. yeah i can be like your boyfriend at times where you just have no energy even if you do want to be out doing something, its like your mind wants to do it but your body just doesnt have it physically. how is he doing? and how are you doing with everything now?

    x x x