the silly things people say

1 minute read time.

so im sitting here and feeling really down :( my boyfriends dad has been so funny with me lately.. not talking to me... acting really strange..

my boyfriend comes to my house with his room packed up in the car.. when i asked what was wrong he didnt tell me.. eventually i found out that his dad has accused me of letting my boyfriend 'financially support me'.. (my boyfriends on a sickness pension) and i work.. infact ive been supporting him! im so shocked and outraged and so so very hurt :( ive stuck by my boyfriends side through everything and we havent even been together for two years yet!

i feel like screaming and shouting at him.. wake up! im a mess :( my boyfriend is having a major liver operation in two weeks and this is just the worst timing to do this kind of thing..

i feel like i cannot do anything right, yet i am doing so much right... ive supported him through this horrible illness.. ive been there even when he tried to push me away.. even when his family has said and done things to hurt me.. and now this has pushed me over the edge and make me feel like some money hungry horrible person that im just not!

:'( feeling very sad tonight

  • FormerMember

    I hope your boyfriend stood up for you and explained to his dad how it really is. or at least told him it's non of his damned business and to keep his nose out.

    It's worth remembering that his dad has no real knowledge of your finances - all he will see is whatever spending happens while he is present, so if your boyfriend tends to be the one who goes to the bar or suchlike that's how he'll assume everything works.  

  • FormerMember

    Hi Missym,

    What goes on between you and your boyfriend is strictly

    between you both.  O/K his Family are probably  as worried

    about him as you. Especially as he is having a major operation on his liver in 2 weeks time. So they will do anything to protect him in any way they can. So they use you as an excuse for taking him away from the family.

    If I were you I would have a meeting with his family, sit

    down adn get this sorted before it gets out of hand.

    All the best and good luck..

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    I agree with sarsfield, you have to meet with his family and tell them the facts.  You have all got an awful lot to deal with in the following weeks and you will need to work together to help your boyfriend recover - If his parents are at your throat thats not going to help anyone.  I know from personal experience that my husbands parents do not support me (I care for my husband who has cancer) so I know exactly where you are coming from.  Glad you felt you could get it off your chest though - this site is amazing for allowing people to unload! Ive done it many times.  Take care, Julia xx

  • FormerMember

    thanks guys.. all is getting better its just very difficult with them at times! waiting now for my boyfriend to come out of theater.. xo