
Less than one minute read time.

i just came home from work im on my lunch break and i just burst into tears.. last night we found out that my boyfriends liver surgery isnt going to be keyhole and now they have to open him up..

last time he had bowel surgery i found it so hard to see him in hospital in so much pain.. and now i have to watch him go through that all again.. i wish it was me instead!

im at work i work with children and im trying to put on a brave face but i feel like breaking down and crying.. enough is enough! when does it stop? i feel bad letting my boyfriend know how i feel but he's the closest person to me.. i feel so comfortable talking to him..

so now its another 2 and a half weeks of waiting until surgery and im a nervous wreck! just waiting for him to come out of surgery is the worst.. doc says it may take up to five hours!


  • FormerMember

    Bless you how awful for you and your boyfriend, but you did manage it last time and so did he so I'm sure you will do it again. In some ways perhaps having to put a brave face on for the kids you work with is good but don't forget its also good to cry when you need to. Good luck to you both, love Paulinef

  • FormerMember

    You may get a message twice but better than not at all! Good luck to you and your boyfriend its so awful but you both got through it last time so you will get through it again, the waiting is always the worse, be strong but cry when you need to, you can't bottle everything up, thinking of you both, love Paulinef

  • FormerMember

    Oh Missy that's horrible news for you. Don't feel bad about being upset, never forget that cancer doesn't just affect the patient, it affects all the people around them too, especially those closest to them and it's natural that you'd be disturbed by the idea of seeing him go through surgery. I know at the moment it feels like one wave of crap after another hitting you but it won't always be such a rollercoaster, things will settle into an even keel at some point. I'll keep my fingers crossed that his surgery goes well and he has as pain free a recovery time as possible. Stay strong, you can get through this, you'll find you're tougher than you think!

    All the best

    Vikki xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Missy,

    Its the bloody waiting thats what gets us all down. Its not going to be easy  for you both. A long hard road awaits

    you. I send you my Support,Strength and Caring, and hope that everything turns out alright. Its easy to say but

    harder to do.  Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx