
  • broken


    where do i strart? arghh!

    been having problems with my mum atm.. my boyfriend has been battling bowel cancer for a year, and im depressed.. he's about to have his last operation on his lung to remove some mets.. then hopefully nothing more.. just regular check ups (he had bowel cancer).. he is just recovering from a liver operation...

    my mum is always on my back about stupid things.. last weekend she got drunk …

  • Books


    Hi all,

    just wondering if anybody knows any good reads about partners dealing with their partners cancer.. ive just read "wife interupted" which was really good, although made me tearful! can anybody recommend any other good books?

    thanks :)

  • feeling annoyed!


    so my beautiful boyfriend is recovering from his liver operation and its been three weeks now.. he's been through so much in the last year and i think he's so brave...BUT im starting to feel angry at him and resentful.. i feel so GUILTY about it to! like for eg.. if i say i have a sore back, the then complains he's tired and sore.. i am always massaging him, cleaning up for him etc... if i have a bad day he reminds me…

  • worries


    so today my best friend told me  her and her boyfriend are going to buy a house.. as her best friend i should be jumping for joy being happy for her.. but instead im jealous and wishing it was me instead... after our convo i go back to the hospital and my boyfriends lying there trying hard not to be sick! he had his liver operated on 3 days ago and he's really nausiated and unwell :( they cut a big chunk from the middle…

  • lonely girl :(


    my boyfriend had the middle part of his liver taken out last night, and the two halves glued together... he's still in ICU and is very sleepy.. he wont really wake up and is on a very strong pain killer starting with K.. cant think of the name! im so worried :( he wont talk and is just lying there.. has anyone else experienced this? he had major bowel operation six weeks ago to remove his bowel tumor.. but  he ended…