
  • Getting Desperate Now and very angry


    Monday 6th June, 2011

    John got up this morning but was back in bed after only half an hour because of the retching and pain.  Had trouble getting his tablets down but did manage in the end.  I hate to see him like this.

    I cancelled his doctor's appointment for tomorrow to check his blood pressure and requested that a district nurse come out instead.  The receptionist was very offhand but promised to get a nurse to…

  • Feeling so helpless today, don't know what to do!


    Sunday 5th June, 2011

    John's been feeling ill for a few days now and it's not getting any better.  The biggest of his problems is dry retching/heaving.  Every time he stands up he gets the urge to be sick but nothing comes up except a lot of clear fluid.  It's wearing him out and the anti-sickness tablets don't seem to be helping.

    Another problem is that he suffers from constipation which makes him very…

  • UPDATE on our quest for a Mac Nurse


    Thursday 2nd June 2011

    Well, stamping my feet worked!  After being told that a Mac Nurse wasn't appropriate because John isn't at the end of life, I contacted the helpline and was advised to phone the doctor and insist that we be referred.

    So, I did!  And I insisted that an appointment be made with the doctor or that we should have a telephone appointment TODAY!  Lo and behold, I was put straight through to the…

  • Sometimes this seems like a bad dream I wish we could wake up from.


    Wednesday 1st June 2011

    Things are not getting any better!

    Got an appointment at the Doctors Surgery yesterday and saw a locum.  To give her her due, she was very thorough in examining John and trying to discover why he is suffering from so much pain and nausea.  His blood pressure has gone up slightly so she put him back on a low dose of Ramipril.

    She also prescribed a higher dose of Oxynorm (10mls.) and prescribed…

  • Our Day at the Hospital


    Tuesday, 17th May 2011

    I was dreading today but it didn't turn out too bad and in fact the decision John was dreading was not his to make.

    The doctor was a young woman - one we hadn't seen before and who was so informative about John's condition.  His blood results showed that he had a very low blood count and his blood pressure reading was low too.  Because John has suffered from angina in the past and had…