Is this the beginning of the end?

1 minute read time.

5th May 2011

I haven't been around here for a while but I think I might need some special support soon.  I feel very much alone at the moment because nobody who hasn't travelled this journey can fully understand what we're going through.

John has undergone five sessions of the planned eight of chemotherapy - infusions every three weeks and daily pills.  I thought he suffered enough last time with the dreadful side effects but this time round he's even worse.

He's getting weaker and weaker, his nose streams almost continuously and he's having problems with his sight.  His appetite is very poor, he's either constipated or suffers from diarrhoea and he's cold almost all of the time.  He's finding it hard to swallow too and his liquid intake is very low, no matter how hard I try to encourage him to drink.

I've finally persuaded him we need a buggie for him because he can't come out any more.  He tries but, after a few steps leaning on a stick, he simply doesn't have the strength to carry on.  He thought it was a sign that he was giving up but I've convinced him that it's not giving up.  To my mind he's giving up if he doesn't get a buggie because then he'll be trapped indoors.

Trouble is, we've had to buy a bigger car because no way was a buggie going to fit into our tiny little motor.  Hopefully we'll have both car and buggie next week!  Keep your fingers crossed!

Sorry to moan after such a long absence but I needed to get this off my chest.


  • FormerMember

    madge, always here for you, love, hugs and strength to you and john. always thinking of you.

    lots of love emz


  • FormerMember

    Madhe I think of you both often and I know how hard it is for you.  Hope you get the car and the buggy soon.  I'm always here for you, just pm me.  Take care.  Lots of love and hugs Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge

    Hope it means you can get out together more. It's not giving up, it's getting on with it.

    Love and hugs to you both

    Max xxx

  • FormerMember

    I hope the car and buggie make things much better for you.  That lovely summer air always lifts my spirits and I hope it does the same for John

  • FormerMember

    Aw Madge, it's not moaning hun. We all need to get things off our chest and you know this site is the best for being able to offload.

    I hope once the buggy arrives it will mean a new lease of life for John (and yourself of course).

    Don't be a stranger now. Look forward to hearing how things are going.

    Take care, Christine xx