
  • Can't seem to stop John feeling anxious


    John has always been a worrier and today has been one of his worst.  He seems to be looking for things to worry about. 

    Uppermost in his mind is his Will.  As we're not married, he's worried that his elder daughter might try to put a spoke in the works with regard to his Will.  We both made Wills in 2004 and he's concerned that they might not be in order.  He's left everything to me (and vice versa) and we have…

  • Thinking of requesting a hospital bed.


    Time for another blog, although there's no change so far as John's pain is concerned.  The reason I'm considering asking for a hospital bed is because he wakes up in so much pain in the mornings.  I think the reason might be that he lies in one position all night long.  He can only lie on one side and this might be for 11 hours at a time if he goes to bed at 9pm and wakes up at 8am. 

    I noticed when he was in…

  • If only I could get John out in the fresh air!


    It's been a strange couple of days. 

    Yesterday was the pits.  John was too poorly to let the palliative care nurse bathe him this morning and sat around in his pyjamas all day.  It wasn't the pain or sickness, he said, just a 'strange' feeling in his tummy area.  He was also very down in the dumps and I swear it's partly because he's stuck in the flat all day just moving from the bedroom to the dining room…

  • So now we can BOTH have a bath!


    John's bath seat was delivered today and it's absolutely blooming marvellous.  Tried it out tonight and he had a lovely relaxing soak.  Did him a power of good.

    We have a shower and a bath in our tiny bathroom but neither of us has had a bath for over three years!  I've always been too scared, because there are no handles, that I won't be able to haul my chubby self out of the water.  John has often suggested…

  • Another day of just existing


    It's nearly 8 o'clock.  I've been up for two hours having been woken at 6 o'clock by Gemma wanting to go outside.  Not that early but it felt like the middle of the night since I only got to bed at 1 o'clock this morning.  I can't seem to drag myself to bed any earlier because my head is going round and round and I need to unwind.

    So, what will today bring?  I think I can guess.  Another round of nurses…