Can't seem to stop John feeling anxious

2 minute read time.

John has always been a worrier and today has been one of his worst.  He seems to be looking for things to worry about. 

Uppermost in his mind is his Will.  As we're not married, he's worried that his elder daughter might try to put a spoke in the works with regard to his Will.  We both made Wills in 2004 and he's concerned that they might not be in order.  He's left everything to me (and vice versa) and we have trusted each other to make new Wills leaving everything to our respective children.  To put his mind at rest, I've requested a solicitor's visit from the firm where I used to work on Thursday.

He's also worrying about the hospital bed we've ordered and the upheaval it will cause.  It WON'T cause that much upheaval.  Our double bed is a bedstead that comes apart easily and his daughter Jo has offered to store it for us.  It's just a matter of shipping the old one out and the hospital bed in but he doesn't see it like that.  The hospital bed arrives in bits too so there won't be any problem there.  The MacMillan Nurse agrees that it will be of great benefit to him and that's all I care about.

He seems to be looking for things to worry about.  He usually has a nap during some part of the day but he's been sitting in his recliner all day mumbling away to himself and I can't seem to calm him down.  Just given him a lorazepam in the hope that it will help him.

He upset me this afternoon when he said that all he ever wanted to do was to take care of me and that he's not doing a very good job now.  I tried to tell him that it wasn't his fault that he was ill and that he's taken wonderful care of me all the time we've know each other but it didn't help.  What on earth can I do to reassure him?  He's wearing himself to a frazzle!

This is breaking my heart.  He's not been out of the flat since coming out of MacMillan and says he's lost the confidence to go outside.  He refuses point blank to even consider it. 

Bugger this bloody disease!  It's ripped our world apart.  The thought of losing him fills me with dread and yet I want an end to his suffering.  He still suffers so much pain in the mornings, he's eating less and less, he's constipated, his eyesight is affected so he can't read or watch tv.  How much more will he have to endure?  It just isn't fair.

  • FormerMember

    Oh, Madge,

    My heart breaks for you...

    Sometimes you just can't do anything to reassure them but just be there and try not to take on the worries too much if you posibly can. Can the macmillan nurse come round and talk to him? Sometimes it is easier for someone else to reassure them who is not close. I know it helped with my mum when none of us could get through to her...They may be able to persuade him about going out etc as he can't answer back the same to them as you. Worth a try...

    It isn't fair and I wish with all my heart I could make it fair for you. You are such a wonderful person you don't deserve any of this....

    Sending you the biggest hug I can

    Little My (((((((((((((Madge))))))))))))) xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Madge

    You've been having such a tough time recently, and whether you think it or not, you are coping amazingly well.  The reason you think you're not, is because you love John so much, you can't bear to see him distressed or in pain.  The reality is, professionals couldn't do a better job and they aren't emotionally invested, which is the part of the caring role that leaves us feeling so tired and depressed.

    You really have been an inspiration in the way you've coped and retained your sense of humour and I just wish you could feel better about that.

    I'm sure it would help you both to get out together for some fresh air and sunshine, even if it's not very far and I know that John isn't keen on the idea of the wheelchair, but maybe it's worth trying again?

    I just hope you got your wheelchair from a reliable source.  When I was looking after my dad years ago, I borrowed one from the Red Cross.  One day, when we were going down a hill, the handles came off in my hands...  No harm done - I could move pretty quickly in those days!

    Stay well, love to you both,

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Dear Madge

    I hope you are having a better day today.  You have a lot on your plate but you are coping really well.  

    OK, just a crazy suggestion, since he refuses to go outside: how about you bring the outside in his room?  Flowers, music, phone off the hook and just sit there, pretending you are in a park bench.  You could read your book for both of you (aloud) or do together a crossword puzzle.  For a few minutes, you may forget where you are!  As I said: just a crazy thought.

    Wishig you all the very best for both of you

    Georgia XXXXXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge.

    I hope your week improved for you both. Good idea about the solicitor coming round. Dave is turning into a big time worrier too. Just another thing for us to deal with :(

    If we didnt love them sooooooooo much it wouldnt be so tiring, emotionally draining and upsetting. Your doing a grand job looking after, and loving him Madge. This bloody decease destroys us all.

    Keep your chin up mate, we're all behind you helping you with best wishes and lots of love. MEGA HUGS TOO ((((((((MADGE))))))))))))

    Shaz ((((((((((Madge, John, Jo)))))))))))))))