
  • A New Recliner and some Heartbreak:o(


    Sorry to give bad news (again), but today didn't start too well.  John was in an awful lot of pain this morning, despite the District Nurse's suggestion that he take his slow release pain relief tablets and a top up of Oxynorm half an hour before getting up, to give them time to work.

    He woke up at 5.30am this morning and the pain started then.  So I gave him some Oxynorm and he managed a couple of hours sleep…

  • Make the World go away!


    My head is spinning today.  It's been horrible.  I had dreams of me and John leading a quiet life when I got him home but it seems it's not to be.

    It's been one long round of phone calls and visits from friends, nurses, etc. and both my phones haven't stopped ringing.  In between I've been administering John's drugs etc but neither of us has even had time to have a proper wash today.  I'm still in…

  • Home at last, where he belongs!


    Haven't had time to draw breath, let alone write a blog post, but I thought it was time I did.

    John came home yesterday but it was touch and go whether he would.  He woke up yesterday morning with a swollen leg and the Consultant suspects a blood clot.  She's put him back on Clexane for the time being but there are fors and againsts about that.  Clexane thins the blood and can be a bad thing, considering John's…

  • Family Problems :0(


    As some of you know, John is in the MacMillan Unit receiving palliative care to get his pain and sickness symptoms under care.  He's been in for over a week now but will hopefully be coming out on Monday.

    As if this isn't bad enough, I am having problems with his family.  We aren't married, although we have been together for a long time and own property together.  We also have Wills and Powers of Attorney in…

  • Aiming for John to come home on Monday.


    Today was a better day than yesterday but John's still not out of the woods so far as his pain and sickness are concerned.  He's still asking for more drugs on top of the patch behind his ear (hyacine) for his sickness and his slow release tabs (oxycontin) for his pain.  Trouble is that the extra drugs make him so sleepy, twitchy and confused but I suppose that's the price he has to pay to be free from these dreadful…