
  • For John and for Charly


    1st June 2010

    Something that Anna posted in Charly's journal reminded me of my mum's favourite passage in her bible.  I have that bible by my side as I type and the passage is underlined.  My mum loved her bible.  Its pages are very well thumbed and dirty but I shall treasure it for ever. 

    When John was first diagnosed with cancer I lost my belief in God.  I have not been a practising Christian for years but I've…

  • Not so good today


    Sunday 30th May 2010

    It's been a bad day today.  John was fine for a couple of days after his third chemo session then it all started to go from bad to worse.  Today has been awful.

    Trouble is, I know he's feeling poorly and I try my very best to comfort him and do what I can to make life easier for him but he's so down in the dumps that he takes it out on me.  He's always been a negative person and very critical…

  • Fewer side effects after Chemo #3!


    Friday 28th May 2010

    Things are looking good after John's third IV treatment on Wednesday.  This time there are far fewer side effects and he's able to eat much more than he did last time.  He's still not feeling 100% but it's a vast improvement on how he felt last time. 

    He's been able to come out with Gemma and me yesterday and today and that's great because it makes him feel so much better getting out…

  • My Hero


    Wednesday 26th May 2010

    Did you ever know that you're my hero,
    and everything I would like to be?
    I can fly higher than an eagle,
    'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

    Keep flying my Hero! x x x

  • The End of a Not So Perfect Day


    Sunday 23rd May 2010 (10pm-ish)

    Two blogs in one day!  Just wanted to write down my thoughts about today.  After abandoning our day out, John declared at lunchtime that he was feeling up to going out for a meal.  I wasn't so sure but he was insistent and we went to one of our favourite pubs - The Fisherman's Haunt.

    What a disappointment.  We ordered two Sunday lunches - beef and pork - which were virtually tasteless…