The End of a Not So Perfect Day

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Sunday 23rd May 2010 (10pm-ish)

Two blogs in one day!  Just wanted to write down my thoughts about today.  After abandoning our day out, John declared at lunchtime that he was feeling up to going out for a meal.  I wasn't so sure but he was insistent and we went to one of our favourite pubs - The Fisherman's Haunt.

What a disappointment.  We ordered two Sunday lunches - beef and pork - which were virtually tasteless.  Don't know if they've changed the chef but, if they have, they should sack him.  The food there has always been so good but not this time.

Afterwards, we drove to Christchurch Quay for a walk with Gemma the dog but John was feeling so poorly by then that we had to keep sitting down.  Everyone around us was enjoying the sunshine and there we were, struggling to have a nice time and failing miserably.  Even Gemma seemed to sense something was wrong and she wasn't her usual bubbly self.

So now I'm sitting and typing this and John is lying on the sofa where he's been since we got home, absolutely wiped out.  His tummy hurts, he's feeling sick and his groins are sore and I can't do a thing about it.

Nobody's phoned this weekend to see how we're doing and nobody's come to see us.  I don't feel like phoning them because it would only be a tale of woe and there's nothing they can do about it but I do feel a bit let down.

And so to bed.

  • FormerMember

    I am so very sorry that you have had a bad day despite your efforts. I know how you feel about feeling let down. I have just spent the whole weekend alone even after telling my family on friday that I might have mets in my liver. Nobody knows what we go through, only those of us who are going through the same thing. My husband died 4 years ago and I was left to go through life alone. Now I have my own battle to fight. Our families have their own lives to lead and they don't really want to know what life is like for us. My brothers and sisters all make the obligatory sounds of concern, and our children all care as much as they can. It never feels enough, when on a beautiful day I am on my own in my garden listening to the sounds of life going on around me and wondering what it is all about. Life feels so unfair and thoughtless but still I feel that there are people far worse off than me. I hope John will start to feel a little better soon. Take care love Julie xxx

  • FormerMember

    Its hard when you have a day not so good. In 'normal' life it wouldnt matter because you think there are loads more days to enjoy-but in our situation.................. every day has to be perfect as passible. Just to say I know where you are coming from. I spent the whole weekend sunbathing in the garden alone wondering how dare the sky be so blue without my darling Hubby here who I lost in December. Hope today is a better day for you. x

  • FormerMember

    oh madge, i do so feel for you both  its so hard ,all i can say is im here, thinking of you both lots of love ,, and hugs jenni xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much for taking the time to type some encouraging words.  I do know that I am not really alone.  The people on here are all so wonderful, despite suffering similar circumstances to our own.  I love you all dearly. x x x x