Not so good today

1 minute read time.

Sunday 30th May 2010

It's been a bad day today.  John was fine for a couple of days after his third chemo session then it all started to go from bad to worse.  Today has been awful.

Trouble is, I know he's feeling poorly and I try my very best to comfort him and do what I can to make life easier for him but he's so down in the dumps that he takes it out on me.  He's always been a negative person and very critical of everything I do but it seems I can't do anything right nowadays.

He's withdrawn right into himself and is totally focussed on his body and what's wrong with it.  I try to talk to him about other things to take his mind off what's happening but I get a constant commentary on every single symptom, big and small.  Don't get me wrong, I do sympathise UTTERLY, but I can't help thinking that he should try to think about other things.

Trouble is that he has no hobbies WHATSOEVER so he's got nothing else to think about.  All he does is watch TV all day - he can't even be bothered to read the newspaper.  Even when I take him out he moans about the weather, the dog, other people, the taste of the tea in the cafe, etc, etc,  It's really getting me down and I don't know what to do about it.

I am usually a very upbeat person but this is making me SO depressed!  There's no laughter any more, just doom and gloom.  It's almost as if he's wishing his life away. 

The only time he brightens up is if somebody comes to visit but we don't get many visitors any more.  I feel SO alone in this.

Sorry if this is such a miserable post but it's just the way I feel right now.

  • FormerMember

    Hello I am so sorry you are having such a bad time. My husband  watches a lot of TV as well because he feels tired a lot of the time. Also he gets up in the night and watching TV helps him take his mind off things. We have got quite a few DVD's that are lighthearted and funny - at the moment we are working our way through a series called Black Books which is making him laugh -I wonder if you could get hold of some DVDs that might make your hubby smile. Just a thought - I know how depressing it all

    can be. Sending hugs

    Clare x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Madge

    Sorry to hear its so tough at the moment. We do tend to take things out on those who love us most cos we know they'll still be there when we get over it! I am horrible to my hubby at times but paste a smile on my face when anyone else walks through the door. He must feel like punching me at times!

    Hope tomorrow is a better day.

    Love and hugs


  • FormerMember


    I do feel for you.  I went through a similar experience when G was first diagnosed.  I could do nohing right,  and all his anger at his condition was vented on me.   When I told him how hurtful his behaviour was, he said "I can't help having cancer"

    I told him "no, but you can help the way you behave"

    It was many months before our relationship improved.  I doubt it will ever be quite the same as before his diagnosis, but we have learnt to support and consider each other more.

    Something that has helped a great deal is givng each other space.  If G wants to sit and watch television, I find something to do in the house or garden.  I have also taken up some hobbies that I had always wanted to do.  I try to make sure that I have some time away from the house each week, and have joined a local gym.

    It was particlulary difficult while G was having his chemo.  Especially as it was during the winter and there was a flu epedemic.  We had to be so careful that he didn't come into contact with infection, that it really curtailed any social life.  G's six cylcles of chemo took sixteen weeks, and at times it seemed more like sixteen months.  I realised later that he was so terrified the chemo wouldn't work, and that just added to his moodiness.

    You may not believe it now, but there will be light at the end of the tunel.

    Love and best wishes


  • FormerMember

    I think us patients can be really horrible to our family and sometimes we realise we are doing it and can't stop and sometimes we don't even notice what we've done.

    We get so wrapped up in our little cancer world and object to anyone 'without who couldn't possibly understand' try to intrude into our world.

    That said, we love our families so much and couldn't do without them.  My husband is my everything.....and sometimes I treat him like poop, but he knows I love least I hope he does!

    I hope things look a little better tomorrow.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    You're all so wonderful.

    I feel guilty when I post such miserable thoughts but it's a way of getting it out of my system.  

    Thank you for all your loving words and encouragement - you've made me feel better already. :0)  *hugs*