Loony Rambles

  • Swings and Roundabouts. Or, when D day never came...


    Hello gang!
    How the devil are we all?? I am going to apologise for being a bit absent, and rather remiss in my responses this week. I have been a bit intropective, which is sometimes ok, but not always haha! Anyhoo, I hope you're doing ok?
    This last week has been a bit of a mixed bag really.

    Monday = spent in bed, not asleep but propped up on pillows with tv and laptop. Tuesday = met with Lovely Liz, the biodynamic…

  • Nights off. Days out. Nearly D day


    Well, R day went well, feels weird not to be having any more, though of course I won't complain ;) Another little milestone. Of course it would be wonderful if it was the last treatment EVER, but just the small matter of the transplant to do now. Should know dates next week.
    Went to dentist for check up prior to SCT. Now, for me, this is a HUGE event as I am PHOBIC and not been for years! I need aa filling replaced…

  • New consultants, passing tests, and giant cake


    Hello my lovelies! Hope the full moon didn't adversely affect too many of you??

     Saw GP Monday, to both ask for painkillers for Megz, and to have my ''fitnote'' extended. Also the fibromyalgia consultant's notes had arrived, so I had my repeat prescription, plus another one for a pill to stp my tummy reacting to frequent ibuprofen, and another; so far with my fibrowhassit, I have not wanted to take the pill they offer…

  • Perspectives. Oh, and cakes. And teens in cars!


    Alright my lovelies?
    Sorry in advance, this blog goes all over the place and then back again!

    So Wednesday rolled round, and off I went for a change of dressing, bloods, and Rituximab session.
    That young guy was there - he's been in a few times now it seems, and is more relaxed, and has his sense of humour back - goody I thought, you've got yourself on track. It helps once you can do that, however long it takes, days, weeks…

  • Travels & Trollbeads Versus Transplants and Tw*ts


    Hello my lovelies! Nope, no hangovers to report I'm afraid! ;)

    Had an impromptu lunch date with the lovely Kerry last week, which was lovely coz she's very cwtchy and can always make me laugh too :)
    Pam was over Fri for dinner - we are willing Glanusk to get her that little cottage!! She is another rather fab person and to be closer would be rather nice plus useful for us both too as our 14 year olds are friends…