Swings and Roundabouts. Or, when D day never came...

4 minute read time.

Hello gang!
How the devil are we all?? I am going to apologise for being a bit absent, and rather remiss in my responses this week. I have been a bit intropective, which is sometimes ok, but not always haha! Anyhoo, I hope you're doing ok?
This last week has been a bit of a mixed bag really.

Monday = spent in bed, not asleep but propped up on pillows with tv and laptop. Tuesday = met with Lovely Liz, the biodynamic counsellor whom I found to work with our clients at the MAC. She had been 'home' to Barbados for 6 weeks, so we had a LOT of catching up to do, and drank tea and chatted and as usual had a good giggle.
Wednesday = well,I had been waiting with baited breath for this day, as I was going into get my tubes flushed, but also, we though the Heath would have come up with a date for the SCT as they had their meeting the week before.

But No! No date.

Felt somewhat deflated! I want to get this bloody procedure over and one with, it's hanging over me like some dark cloud and now they can't decide when?? My consultant was a bit miffed as we had got the R stuff done quickly to be finished in time for the damn thing! Sandra called them ... they were in a meeting. Fucks sake! I need to know, because funnily enough, I am a single parent who has to get THREE weeks of childcare sorted for my 3 kids, and it may not be as simple as I thought before because my friend who was going to be here on weekends has had a bit of a crisis as her eldest has had a bit of a breakdown, and so it's quite possible that she will, of ocurse, need to be spending time with her, which I suggested to her as she hadn't mentioned it... then later that day, a message - the Heath thinks maybe the 27th of March, or possibly the 20th if some fella doesn't go in.
27th?? They said last time it could be the 3rd or 9th.
Ok, maybe they have had an emergency or someone has not responded well and is staying in longer etc. But Deri changes school on 16th April as hers is being closed down, and I REALLY want to be here when she moves schools, because I know she will be having some anxiety for a while, especially if I am in hospital - look how she was when I was just in for a week.

Fuskc sake.
I am going to call them tomorrow, and see if I can get some sense, and a definite date, because the nurse said that they often just give you a day or two notice. Well, in my situation, that's just too damn tricky.
My friend Eils said maybe I need to go in whenever, and that I need to think about myself, and Deri will cope whatever happens. This makes sense in a way, but it's also MY anxiety that's troubling me!!!

So, despite seeing friends the rest of the week, and trying to focus on my new hobby of needle felting (I'm gonna make stuff to sell at the fessie, but I'm too grumpy to explain just yet!), I have had this extra uncertainty lurking over me (which explains my absence recently) kind of putting a dampner on things.

Today I went to visit Ann (L's daughter) who is very poorly now, and in hospital. She has tumours in lungs, neck, groin, and can't eat or drink properly. She was imagining all sorts of weird stuff about chemo etc, so I explained that no, it is not a big machine that you go in to be zapped with stuff, it is a drip or a tablet or an injection... and she was much relieved!! More results on Tuesday, by which time they may have worked out which is the primary tumour. Bastard cancer.

This week is a busy one: tomorrow I am calling the Heath, then taking Deri to see her new school, then I have a meeting with my line manager and head of HR. *Gulp*. I hope they don't say anything along the lines of 'too long off is disruptive to company so ta-ta'. Then a PTA meeting in the evening, joy! ;)
Tuesday, reflexology - boy do I need that this week!
Wednesday - tube flushing in morning, then I am taking my mother to see 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel' at the cinema :)
Thursday or Friday, Lou will be down from Cardiff :)

Life is indeed a strange bowl of fruit.

But I am glad us lot are in it together :))

  • FormerMember

    Hello my lovely Lemon, Banana here.... budge up this bowl is a bit small...

    An introspecitve lemon... now there's an interesting thought.. I wonder what the most introspective fruit is? hmmm

    Anyway, you big lemon, I missed you whilst playing in the woods...

    Sorry I was away when you were feeling introspective... I wish you could have been down in the woods with me... great place to do some thinking.

    I also wish I could come round and just live in your house for 3 weeks and look after the kids but I can't cos I will be in hossie too harumph (plus your kids don't know me which might be a little weird hahaaa)

    Phone them up and tell them what for...

     I know what you mean about deri's school... she's had a lot to go through this year! You will be preparing her well for life... and developing one tough cookie!

    What are making with your needle felting? I make animals most of the time... little ones that you could make into keyrings and the like.

    Goodd luck with the line manager meeting... you give em what for too! and if they don't want you, we can go into business... not sure what yet, but a lemon and and a banana have got to be eminently employable eh?

    Ok, positives..... hmmm right, here goes....

     Late March is the fashionable time to be going to hospital... all the cool bananas are doing it.

    You get to visit one cool banana in hospital

    the weather will be nicer which means Deri can  play outside and that always cheers one up.

    you can come and see me and give me missions in revenge

    you can look at the daffs and green buds out of the window and think of new life and your new life ahead...

    oh and you can visit me.- did I mention that? :D

    OK, I have to get up and go to school and do all the boring 'Oh hi yeah, had a great time blah blah' stuff and get back to boringness and arsiness of NB and co...

    Good luck with stuff today and speak later my fabby lady

    All the hugs

    Little My xxxx aka cool banana hahahaaaaaaa :)

    ps cwtches to you

    pps big nigs to you

    ppps viming kram till dej

    pppps :)

  • FormerMember

    Don't know what the Pffffff these hospitals are playing at, keeping info from the people who really need it, THE PATIENT!!! Are you and Hils using the same hospital? There seems to be a level of incompetence emerging, where people haven't made decisions in meetings. They should be locked in a room until they have completed the business in hand.

    Deri will manage, and you just have to keep impressing on her that the bastard cancer will be kicked far away after this spell in hospital (although you will need to tell her that her Mummy will be tired for a long time afterwards while the baby cells grow into grown -ups). It will be 3 years since my stem cell next Sunday....so I've been having problems with nightmares, feeling low etc just realising how lucky I am and remembering friends that I met on the wards who weren't. We are going away for a couple of days and I am meeting with my sister and her hubby as well.

    I hope you get answers from the hospital today. Its a big day for Deri and I hope that she will be happy in her new school. Are any teachers/pupils moving there from her present school?

    As regards work, just go with the flow. You have enough to worry about re stem cell and the girls. My thing is that you deal with the things you can, and those you can't you forget until such time as you can take it on....priorities! I don't know whether Macmillan might have suggestions re childcare. A friend used to be a hospital social worker dealing with making sure dependents were cared for while patients were hospitalised. Not ideal I admit but.....

    Take care, and I'm sending every spoon I can find

    The apple in the fruit bowl (Granny Smith)


  • FormerMember

    Hi honey

    Can work get rid of you? I was under the impression they couldn't. My lot haven't - yet - we are still maintaining the polite pretence that one day I shall be returning, although my SSP ran out so they're not paying me.

    I think that when it comes to you (finally) going into hospital people will rally round and help out, and the kids will manage because they have to - but that's easy to say, and isn't going to stop you worrying. I am worried too, and I don't even have kids. (Lucky kids.)

    Stoopid hospitals. I mean yes, god bless the NHS and bollocks to DCam and his horrid greasy face, but it could do with a bit of a shuffle to make it work better. Stress 'to make it work better'!

    I am grumpy too, but with less reason. If we are a fruit basket, I fear I am the forgotten and desiccated grape that you find at the bottom of the bowl and go "Ewww, what's that?!


  • FormerMember

    This kiwi fruit (veering between exotic and juicy and bit sour and wrinkly)  has popped in briefly as have to dash off to work meeting ... wanted to say a BIG

    THANK YOU  for your fab messages which made me smile a lot :)))

    I shall return later with more news and abig hugs....... well, you can have some hugs now too of course :)))


  • Hi lovely lemon prickly pear here just popped in to send you love,hugs,spoons and all good wishes for everything coming up Much love Cruton xxxxxxxxxxxxx