Loony Rambles

  • belated day -5, short but sweet?


    Greetings. Couldn't quite muster the strength to get online last night so here's the gist of what happened yesterday -

    Woke up not feeling refreshed! I think having so many fluids and having to pee every hour doesn't help one's sleep patterns! ;)

    Slept all day apart from being woken for obs, food etc, but didn't want any food... forced the soup down at lunch time. Tried plain jacket spud at dinner time…

  • day minus 6


    WHY do they insist on bringing you fresh water at 6am, closely followed by doing your obs???? 6AM!!!

    Then a call at 9.30 am from my mum...Deri missed her school trip today, as she threw up last night... :( I spoke to her, and just wanted to cwtch her up with a blankey, but can't ... WANKYPISSFLAPBUCKETS!

    Anyway... lots more fluids, 2 hours of chemo, more fluids. Dunno what was in the chemo but when it began I had…

  • Transplant begins - it;s day minus 7!


    Apparently it is now Thursday. I'll come back to that.

    Had a nice weekend with the kiddies, and with my friends.
    Friday evening Deri stayed with granny and I went to Jo's with a few other mums from the area for a rather nice gathering, lots of wine and scrummy nibbles! The mums from Deri's school clubbed together snd bought me a trollbead! Wow that was lovely. Jo then presented me with one I was saving for - a silver…

  • 7 sleeps


    Ok, so HI to shivasmum who is doing RT , and HI to Mandy who is coping with crazy mum, and HI to LM and Tim and Hils who are all having/waiting for dates/ops and tests! Anyone else I have forgotten?? Probably, as my brain is mostly mush, partly due to chemo, partly due to acrrying around far too many thought processes :D

    Well, here we are. 7 sleeps before SCT.
    As long as they have a bed for me when I call them at 9 am on…

  • The good, bad, ugly, and the fun!


    Goof evening dears!

    Sorry for anything which follows which may repeat stuff I put in The Room!

    Made my call to the Heath Monday morning: explained my circumstances - was told that there was another lady with the same disease status as me (now there's another new bit of terminology... disease *status* - hey, what's your status..? haha) who had been pencilled in for the 13th March, and if she hadn't been told that already…