The good, bad, ugly, and the fun!

4 minute read time.

Goof evening dears!

Sorry for anything which follows which may repeat stuff I put in The Room!

Made my call to the Heath Monday morning: explained my circumstances - was told that there was another lady with the same disease status as me (now there's another new bit of terminology... disease *status* - hey, what's your status..? haha) who had been pencilled in for the 13th March, and if she hadn't been told that already, they could swap us over... so waited for a call the next day.

So Tuesday I went for my reflexology...always bliss. The manager, Diane, stopped me for a natter afterwards; she likes to see how we're doing and make sure they're doing what they can etc. As we sat chatting, Diana told me about Carer's day, which is once a month. She said my mother could come in that Friday for a free treatment - I said yes, call her, she'd love it and she deserves it! Then I told her I was hoping for a call and hoping it would be the 13th - and then my phone rang and I had the news I wanted!! Yes! :)) They said my ''release date'' (haha, am I in prison heehee) would be the 6th April - fab... that means I can be home in time for Easter and for Deri starting new school :)))

On Wednesday, as mum and I were walking towards the cinema from car park, I had a call from the Heath....
This rant may prevent me from punching my dentist in the face, or the balls.
Ok, as we know, I am due to go in for a stem cell transplant soon. Prior to going in, they send you for tests and scans and x rays and to the dentist - to check you have no areas of weakness or infection etc anywhere in your body (lungs/teeth/kidneys etc etc) which would be trigger during transplant - this would result in an extra nasty infection due to zero immune system and therefore heavy duty antibiotics and possible a proglonged stay in hospital (already in for 3 weeks).
Ok, so passed all my tests, then went to see dentist - (should add here that I am seriously PHOBIC about the dentist. Without a doubt, I very much am! I asked for sedation last time I went, he refused, kinda mocked me, so I didn't go again until now!) - I explained it to him. He said that I needed some work done but the healing would take weeks and delay the transplant, BUT that the work needed was not urgent and would cause no DIFFUCLTIES OR INFECTIONS DURING TRANSPLANT. He had to write a letter to this effect to my consultant. He said 3 treatments, a week between each one, and 4 weeks to heal the root extraction.

I took the letter with me when I saw her this week.. I opened up the envelope and saw immediately that he addressed letter to the name of the hospital. Erm... Then he started letter with a reference to me missing one of his appointments. Um... but went on to say I could have treatment done at a later date.
Anyway, the Heath hossie called to say his letter was a bit dubious so they called him - he told them something rather important that he omitted from his letter - I actually have an abcess on one root, not active as such but its there, waiting. And that he can do all 3 things on one day (Thursday) and with strong antibitocs, I'll be healed in 7-10 days.


So I could have gone in on 13th, had the SCT, and then had a massive infection and abcess, delaying my recovery and causing potentially dangerous complications?


By the way, we went to watch The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel - AMAZING!!! Just beautiful :))) Such a nice treat too, just me and mum, doing something relaxing :) Such a very very good film!

As I am phobic , I was nervous and stressed already about going to the dentist. They wanted me to go to him today and get this work done?? I called Windsor suite first thing this morning and spoke to the fab Sandra, who spoke to the orthandontist to see if THEY could fit me in instead. As he had offered me an appointment, they couldn't treat me :( I told them I will need sedation, and Sandra got a prescription ready to pick up prior to appointment with Mr Thicko Dentist.

First, it was Cwmdu school's mini Eisteddfod, so went along with mum and Bryan, bought tea, cake and raffle tickets and watched Deri and her gang sing and play instruments and also be waitresses/waiters for our tables :))) Fab!! Always a little tear in the eye :))

Then, off I went, picked up sedative and off to stooopid dentist, feeling a bit sleepy - that may have prevented me kicking him in the balls! ;))
Some weird contraptions were shoved in my mouth and two back molars were tugged out. A re-filling done too, and then home, where I fell into a drug induced coma for a few hours, thanks to a lift home from mum and Bryan, who also left a meal for the kids and soup for me :))) I will be looking after the wounds very well to help them heal in time for the 13th!

Tomorrow is a day or much leisure - coffee with Jo early morning, then meeting Lou, then meeting LM, then off out to the Manor hotel in the evening!  I need some spoiling after today!!

Much lovely St David's Day cwtchs to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  

  • FormerMember

    Thank goodness the hospital is on the ball! You're in safe hands there Ems.

    You're an inspiration!

    I bet Deri was the best performer of the lot!

    Best welsh cwtches,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Ems well done for braving the dentist!  the man sounds hopeless!!

    Good luck for the 13th!!!!! :)

    Lots of hugs

    Clairlybel xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Well done on getting sorted at the dentist ..... you were very brave, Cariad ! 

    Love, Joycee xx 

  • FormerMember

    Bloody hell Ems that little slip up by the dentist  could have been catastrophic!!!!!!! glad the hospital were on the ball and like Odin says your in good hands.

    Deri sounds like she had fun with her singing and the film sounded good, nice to spend a bit of time with your mum.

    Ems you truly are an inspiration being a single parent and coping with illness.

    Enjoy your coffee today and I'll leave you with a little quote which goes like this

    " Women are like tea bags. We don't know our strength until we are in hot water"

    Love Ruby xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Phew Ems, i'm knackered just reading your blog, what a busy, busy lady you are. Thank goodness the abcess was found and sorted. Roll on the 13th and roll, roll on the 6thApr.

    Onwards and upwards and enjoy your caffee and friend gettogethers.

    Take care

    Jan xxxxxxxxx