Loony Rambles

  • |Recuperation, and cwtchs


    Hello gang! I have been reading some posts on my phone, but not quite awake enough to reply myself! Thank you for your lovely support :))

    Firstly let me wish Hils lots of luck for her 'draining'. And hope she and Tim are back blogging here asap. And good luck to LM's dress, hope it doesn't rip too soon ;))

    It was SO wonderful to be discharged last Thursday evening!!! Mum and a porter wheeled me and my…

  • Day 13 - 2 sleeps ???


    How are we all doing then?

    Well my counts were hovering and being a bit sluggish so I talked to doctors and we all agreed having the booster (GSF) injection would help, especially as we're aiming to leave on Friday! I feel that I will, but I'm scared to say Yes for definite in case they need to do one last thing! Deri and I will explode if it's not Friday!!

    The BMT nurse came round earlier to go through my…

  • Day 11 - what, no tubes??


    Good afternoon guys n gals...

    Although too knackered to respond to masny posts, I have tried to read one or two, but excuse any gaps in communications! I heard about Tim's set-back, so hope he is now back on road to recovery.

    I can't believe I haven't written for so long! I guess that demonstrates just how weak and feeble I am/have been!
     I had the ''usual'' fever from having zero immunity, I had vomiting, I tried…

  • Day plus 1: day of The Tube

    Hello my lovelies. In typing this on the phone so apologies in advance for typos and lack of paragraphs! I enjoyed my day of rest yesterday, especially as I now have some menthol cream to keep the itchy legs under control! - My legs still LOOK horrendous, all red & blotchy, but at least I can sleep now hehe! I started on the build-up protein milkshakes yesterday too: only 1 type made me throw up so I have a few safe…
  • Day minus 2 today!


    Oh, hello there. Days minus 3 and 4 were mostly spent in a feverish haze... one of the chemo's can do that apparently, so I've alternately freezing or boiling, and mostly asleep!

    So not much to report from those days I'm afraid :))

    Today is my last day of chemo - huzzah!! I am being hooked up at 11.30, and will have to pee every 10 minutes until 4pm - the chemo takes half hour but the fluids will take til…