day minus 6

1 minute read time.

WHY do they insist on bringing you fresh water at 6am, closely followed by doing your obs???? 6AM!!!

Then a call at 9.30 am from my mum...Deri missed her school trip today, as she threw up last night... :( I spoke to her, and just wanted to cwtch her up with a blankey, but can't ... WANKYPISSFLAPBUCKETS!

Anyway... lots more fluids, 2 hours of chemo, more fluids. Dunno what was in the chemo but when it began I had a funny taste in the back of my throat, kinda metallic... only lasted a few moments though.

I am weeing and pooing for Wales today!!! I lost count how many times my reading/napping was interrupted by visits to the loo! Feel a bit nauseous this evening but nothing too bad.

My skin feels very smooth in places, in others it is very dry. Maybe it's trying to be a type of wine ......

And very very sexily, they have put on my legs, a pair of DVT socks!!!! Mmmmmmmm, bald, nauseous white DVT stockinged lady, lovely hahahahaa!!

As I came back from the loo a nurse asked if she could just shut me in my room for a mo while they did something.....mysterious...... I glimpsed a bed ebing wheeled down the corridor - I think it's one of the post-transplant folk being moved about - once I get my cells my door will be closed at all times - apart from nurses coming in - too. They are, excuse the phrase, shit hot on their germ control stuff!! And this is good.

Apparently I am quite unique in that most folk on this ward have donor transplants. Well dear, didn't want to be too common.. hahahaha!

Had a visit from aunty Chrissy (mums sister), with a book and a card. Had a pressie delivered from some crazy cat lover too - naughty, but much appreciated!

And another lovely chat with my girls :)))

Hugs and Love to you all, coz your TREMENDOUS support is helping ENORMOUSLY.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Agreed, I'd want my own cells too, you wouldn't know where other people's had been! Isn't life in hospital just sooo hectic? When I was in they gave me stuff meant to be taken after food when it was still an hour before breakfast! I hope you're getting decent tea & coffee, too, very good for morale as are frequent biccies. But those stockings - I got a bollocking for taking mine off but I was itching so much from the morphine, & anyway nothing awful happened. 

    Sorry little Derri threw a wobbly, I can imagine how you must have felt, & i hope she's over it now. And you can chat with her even if you can't have a cuddle.

    Pressies - well you deserve them & I bet there'll be loads more when you get home.

    Keep taking the tablets! Hive & logs,

    Annie xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi There, lady in the sexy stockings!

    Sorry to hear Deri missed her school trip, but I'm sure she is being well and truly cwtched so no need for Mum to worry. You can cwtch her as much as you want when this treatment is finished.

    Yay to lovely visits and pressies.

    Big welsh cwtches and love,

    Odin xxxx

  • FormerMember

    The whole of the hospital experience is a bit hurry-up-and-wait: they rouse you at the crack of dawn, and then nothing happens. Breakfast; nothing. Doctors' rounds; nothing. Pills; nothing. Nothing, nothing,nothing. Lunch. Dinner. Bed. Rinse and repeat.

    Alas, I will probably be a candidate for the DVT socks next time, too. I don't suppose they would believe me if I were to plead claustrophobia, even though it's true. I'm hoping I'll be too out of it to care.

    Poor, wee Deri. But she will soon have her mum back, new, better, and bionic!


  • FormerMember
    Me, loos and hospitals......last time I was in for a stay was years ago when I had my appendix out and the wheels on my fluid holder thing didn't work those shopping trollies that don't work too....I had to half lift it to the loo and was so exhausted when I got there (straight after op) that I got stuck in the loo and had to ring for help, was only 16 and was mortified!!! You sound in good spirits, keep it up ems xxx
  • Hi Ems so very sorry Deri missed her school trip and like others I'm sure she is being well and truly cwtched to make up for it but your right there's nothing like mummy cwtches to put things right and very soon she will have her lovely mum and no more hospital stays.i too well remember the stockings and sneaked mine off my legs felt like over stuffed sausages and looked like them too.And of course you are unique.its good you can keep in contact with your girls and lovely suprise presents which I hope help you through all the bad stuff .Wishing you all good things huge sterile hugs as must not upset the nurses with their germ control routine much love Cruton xxxxx