Small lurgy's, big lie-ins, nearly...

1 minute read time.

Wednesday night saw D having her turn at the bug that's been going round her school, so Thursday morning she spent curled up on granny's sofa and I took half a day off and cwtched up with D on our sofa in the afternoon.

Then later on we were told there was no water at the school that day and unlikely to be any there Friday - but today I did have LOTS to do at work so good ol' granny came to the rescue, which is particularly fab because tonight is D's regular sleep-over night at granny's too. But the lurgy had gone and my queasy moments had disappeared too, so we both managed a good day today :)

As D was away, I ventured out for a whole one and a half hours to see Jo and Nick, whilst awaiting my free range 13 year old teen, B, to finish at 'youth club'. Had a fab catch up and Jo had baked us some cakes to take home :) B showed up slightly off balance, this was due, apparently, to the gang sharing some strongbow. . Hmmmm, having been through free range teen M already, I feel slightly better prepred to deal with it this time, plus better at taking the p**s out of them too ;)

So, bed now, to fully appreciate my lie-in tomorrow morning!

Nos da xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Heh. I still remember being that teen.

    Glad the lurgy and the queasiness were transient. And mmmmm, cake! (Though I have lots of choccy, so can't grumble.)

    Enjoy your lie-in!


  • FormerMember

    Here's to snuggly teenagers and taking the p*ss out of little.. oh hang on... wrong way round.

    Snuggly little people and naughty big people... tell her that her liver is still forming and she doesn't want to damage it before its even got started... from one who knows snigger... don't want anyone esle going for scans that have scary bits on their livers that may or may not be....

    Anyway, cwtches to you and your girls and don't work too hard..

    And Hilary, now I know why you go to bed all day... you are up all night! What on earth are you doing here at 3am? I'll tell Judy. Do I need to come round and tuck you in??? (in your sense, bed sense, not my sense, of sausages snigger)

    Love you both

    Little Myxxxx


  • FormerMember

    Glad the bug has gone away, and not touched you, more importantly!

    My sis and hubby are coming to stay tonight, and we are off to my daughters party this afternoon. BIL is a baker and bringing a selection of cakes for party (YUMMY)

    At least your daughter was sqiffy from a little strongbow....I'm going to be with my 3 kids today, and I know that the 2 lads will be paralytic by the time I leave as party starts at 2pm and will be carrying on until early hours! Still have visions of my younger son pole-dancing in the marquee at my daughter's wedding. Hee hee! Found out later that groom's BILs had a secret bar of spirits tucked in their car which they had let my lads partake of! Think you just have to roll with it, and yes, take the piss out of them!

    LM, we may have been talking to ourselves as Cariad and Hilary will be in dreamland now :-)

    Cariad, I believe you were partying this weekend. Enjoy! xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Glad you feel better Ems, and that you have perfectly normal teens! I'm still waiting for the first one to come back with that Strongbow effect, guess it won't be long,

    Was Hilary still looking for her pillowcase at 3am?

    Have a great day everyone.

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Glad your feeling better and D is bug free........

    The demon drink.......having a pub had its downside one Christmas day.....unbeknown to me, hubby, bless him, gave the two younger boys (14 &15 at the time) a crate of lagers to share, ....he failed to tell them it was to be consumed over a period of days not hours........needless to say they never made it to the table and dinner didnt appeal to their stomachs much for breakfast....and yes, I still remind them of it :) :)
