Spot the error

1 minute read time.

Today, I had a lie-in until almost 1pm!!! Oh my goodness that felt good! :)
I thought I'd have a quick coffee and banana then pop out quickly to the shops for things we were short of... so.... I drove to the local village, only 1 and a half miles, got back in the car, tried to drive off, but  - horrid grinding noise?? The off side tyre was completely flat?! So had to call my rescue recovery fellas as my spare was also buggered (moral of the story...? Ahem) so whilst waiting went and had coffee with P who had nearly finished work; he asked me to check out Next website to start getting ideas for him for birthday presssies for the girls - ooh, shiny things! - then got to sit in a big truck which took my poorly car to that garage That Fixes Things Quikly and my little 10 minute trip out to spend a fiver took me 2 hours and cost £105... hurumph!

On getting home, cheered us all up by doing chicken roast (mum had dropped off a chicken yesterday) and warming up mum's home made apple pie :) I didn't fancy pie yet so tucked into the choc/raspberry/chilli pud which Em brought round yesterday - wow! taste sensation :)
P is coming into town tomorrow to do shopping so as I'm working, we'll meet for lunch, yay!
The ducks are tucked up, D had her PJs on, time for bedtime story then curl up on sofa with blanky methinks............ and ponder on all the weird thoughts my Macland friends have put in my head about baggys and Unicorns and vikings and Arks ;)

Love and Hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hey my lovely Cariad Ems... who on earth has been putting mad thoughts in your head I wonder.... ahem.

    Crap in parts and nice in parts that sounded. Pud sounded weird. But snuggling up on sofa sounds lovely. Get that pot bellied stove lit..... mmm warm smile thinking about that.

    Take very good care of yourself while I am at the seaside and I will see you when I get back.

    Buggest hugs and cwtches to you my dear and nos da...

    Little My xxx


  • FormerMember

    Ohhhhhh, Ems!

    It's bad enough being poorly without having to cope with a poorly car as well!

    Your Sunday lunch sounds marvellous, much better than mine - Motorway chicken and chips with a small pot of overcooked baked beans. There were no knives either so I had to eat it with two forks. Can't you get a decent meal on the motorway anymore? Next time I shall divert to your house, it sounds much better, but don't tell LM if I have pud, she'll put me on the naughty step.

    Big cwtches and love,

    Colin xxxx


  • FormerMember

    I'm watching Odin! I don't care if you are the god of thunder.. cake is bad for you... 

     and I just thought reading your title ... was there an error we were meant to spot like a puzzle? Is there a prize ooooh I like prizes...

    There are 3 sss and a c missing... is that Colin's that he lost on my blog? Oooh maybe a c troll is eating all the c's up?? That would be rap...


    one more thing for you to ponder on your weird thoughts.. the c troll.


  • FormerMember


    You haven't bought a c troll  troll bead have you?

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    They saved the green alligators and the long-necked geese. Well, the geese could fly and the alligators could swim. THEY SHOULD HAVE WAITED FOR THE UNICORNS.


    I am trying to imagine having a mother who cooks for me, and failing. But never mind, I have friends who knit me choklit - no; bring me choklit and knit me blankies - so I'm okay really. But can I have your pie if you don't want it? I think it must be Mr Crab who's hungry, I'm not usually this food-obsessed.

    I think the error is that you should always have a functional spare tyre (I do, it's round my tummy).
