Living with Fibromyalgia,M.E,Breast cancer,other crap and life xxx

  • Really fed up of this Cancer c**p now.

    Cancer not only messes you up inside but it messes up your mind too. I have not slept in 6 days even though I have taken sleeping tablets and along with my other medication its enough to put an elephant to sleep. Great I'm not normal always said I was different. Wonder if I'm from another planet lol well things don't add up when three places you have lived in get knocked down??????????? ;-) I can't wait for 2013…
  • Fed up with this lark now. Stop the bus i wanna get off


    Have you ever sat there since your diagnosis for cancer thinking is this it. How long is it going to go on for?

    16 months so far for me and and still another 6 to go. I'm getting fed up of this bus journey now and I want to get off,but no matter how many times I ring that bell it doesn't stop.

    16 months has been hospitals,hospitals and more hospitals,oh along with no hair,eyebrows and eye lashes and looking…

  • I survived FEC Chemo and Radiotherapy

    I survived Chemo and Radiotherapy
    Now finished my chemo and radiotherapy.
    How can something so poisonous like chemotherapy be so good for you. The chemo I was on was called FEC
    The way it made me feel was horrible. The sickness,weakness,having no immune system,being so clinical,being bedridden and missing out on so much because you could not go near anyone who was ill in case I caught anything. I lost all my hair everywhere…
  • Life sucks at times!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have you ever woke up in the morning and thought "Why me?"
    I do it every single day cos for 40 yrs my life has been total and utter crap.
    From being sexually abused for 20yrs from the age of four to violent relationships.
    Having Fibromyalgia for 28yrs,M.E for 3yrs and now living with breast cancer and going through all the treatment that goes with it.
    One day somebody might cut me a bit of slack and say " OK Sian…