Fed up with this lark now. Stop the bus i wanna get off

1 minute read time.

Have you ever sat there since your diagnosis for cancer thinking is this it. How long is it going to go on for?

16 months so far for me and and still another 6 to go. I'm getting fed up of this bus journey now and I want to get off,but no matter how many times I ring that bell it doesn't stop.

16 months has been hospitals,hospitals and more hospitals,oh along with no hair,eyebrows and eye lashes and looking like uncle fester.  To having an affair with my bed cos I always seemed to be sleeping with it lol.

To hair (curly and darker),eye lashes and eyebrows and now looking more like my mum.

I have had that many needles I can tell doctors which vein to use if needed and even how to flush my picc line out.

Thinking about it with the needles, I have had more pricks than a second hand dartboard or I could be rude and say more pricks than a prostitute on a good night. Lol. Sorry if I offend.

I'm getting fed up especially when ppl tell me "I'm looking good"

How the hell am I supposed to look,is there a stereotypical cancer person we supposed to look like?

Answers on a postcard plz.......................

Trying not to think about cancer but have you noticed since you been diagnosed its bloody everywhere.

I have a tendency to go quiet, not really thinking about anything just turning myself off and relaxing my mind. Because I do that and im not permantly happy happy joy joyppl reckon I'm wallowing in cancer and I should just carry on as normal.

Whoa here stop the bus carry on as normal???????????

How the hell do you carry on as normal when your fighting to survive, unless you have had cancer you don't understand especially when you get told "if you hadn't have had this checked out,you would be dead now.

Hang on I can't die, I got kids, I want grandkids. So please can someone stop the bus cos I really wanna get off. I need a wee lol.

Keep smiling ppl feel free to chat I don't bite I'm just a bit scatty its how I cope. Xxxxxx 

  • FormerMember

    Hi just  diagnosed ,go on Friday to find out what treatment ,have breast cancer  , would a v -shape pillow be better. as for friends ,I have some great ones but others who have not contacted me  .my worst problem in between coping with this is my mother who says that when I cry ,I am only looking for sympathy .


           thank you Patricia

  • FormerMember

    your blog made me smile....normal ...thats never going to happen again...i know that we have different types of cancer but the basics are the same...the vein hunt, the doctors dont listen when you say take it from there...and keep going in one place...hence the bruises..i have had my opp , recovering prior to chemo to start prehaps november....we just keep going, ....

  • FormerMember

    Hi Patricia didn't you know hun we get smacked in the face with the cancer diagnosis and then we think jeez I need sympathy I'm going to flood the house with my tears.

    Yeh right,the bloody bus has just slammed into us,we're allowed to cry. Remember the song "its my party and I'll cry if I want to" well when your crying and your mum says its for sympathy just think " I don't need sympathy cos I'm strong and I'm going to fight it.

    I will be hear if you ever need a rant,rave,scream,cry or laugh.

    I have been there,done it and still wearing the T-shirt.

    Be strong and brave Patricia,you will have bad days,rotten days and totally crap days and if you want to cry or have duvet days do it. Listen to your body cos believe me its gonna scream.

    Big hugs xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Marmite

    Glad I made you smile. My plan to rule the world is beginning hee hee .

    Even though we have different types of cancer hun it doesn't matter cos we just both got it and we can still chat,bounce off each other (not literally :p )

    We do just keep going cos we still force ourselves out even if we do look Look like George Dawes xxxx