I survived FEC Chemo and Radiotherapy

2 minute read time.
I survived Chemo and Radiotherapy
Now finished my chemo and radiotherapy.
How can something so poisonous like chemotherapy be so good for you. The chemo I was on was called FEC
The way it made me feel was horrible. The sickness,weakness,having no immune system,being so clinical,being bedridden and missing out on so much because you could not go near anyone who was ill in case I caught anything. I lost all my hair everywhere, I hated that too.
I ended up in hospital for nearly a week because I caught a stupid cold.
I never thought a simple cold could nearly kill me. But it wasn't a simple cold in the end it was turning into pneumonia.
After chemo my veins are totally messed up. They cannot get IV's in to give me my next treatment.
So on the 9th April 2013(the day after my husbands birthday). I had to go into hospital for the day to have a pic line inserted ready for my next treatment on the 10th April.
If anyone who reads this and you ever have to have chemo. Here are some tips.
1: You will be offered a cold cap to wear on your head,so you don't lose your hair. You will still lose hair so I wouldn't bother.
2: Once your hair starts falling out shave it,cos believe me it will freak you out if you wake up with hair on your pillow.
3: Buy tinned pineapple cubes drain them and freeze them,as chemo causes a sore mouth and sucking on frozen pineapple really does help.
4: Make sure you get plenty of sleep whether it day or night. Your body will tell you when you need to rest.
5: Make sure you have a good supply of immodium and anti-sickness pills. Your cancer unit will supply them.
6: Ice lollies are good especially if you don't want to drink. They keep you hydrated.
7: If you don't want to eat,try bread or small cup of soup. Eat when you want to.
8: Buy a heat pad as the arm they use to administer your chemo will get cold and hurt.
9: Keep a towel by you when in bed as chemo causes hot flushes and the sweat will pour off you.
10: Don't drink bottled water as something in it can affect the chemo.
Above all rest,keep warm and fight.
Radiotherapy is ok. The only thing that happens with that is it makes you tired and makes your skin blister.
But make sure you use non scented aqueous cream at least 3-4 times a day on the area that is having the treatment.
And keep using it even after Radiotherapy has finished.
Now treatment no 3 is Herceptin for 12mth. This is what I need the picc line for.
I will keep you up to date on how that goes.
Oh yeh my hair is growing back. Darker and so far curly and thicker.
Be strong and smile. :)