LIfe's big ups and downs!

  • Help! prolonged Docetaxel side effects!


    I had my last docetaxel dose 3 weeks ago and I'm still suffering with side effects.   I get very breathless and still suffering with really bad fatigue. It wouldn't be so bad but I can't even sleep. I got to bed and lie there listening to my lovely hubby snoring away. Eventually I get fed up just lying there and slink of to the spare room where I can listen to the radio or have a read. If I'm lucky I manage to drop…

  • The end in sight!


    Hi Guys

    Haven't posted in a while as the Docatexel has really wiped me off the planet. I seemed to have spent the last 5 weeks lying in my bed and taking pills.  But HEY!!! had my last dose just over a week ago and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Can't believe I've done all 6 cycles now!  It doesn't seem all that long ago I was logging on for my first time, scared to death of what was to come…

  • Docetaxol Hell


    Hi there,

    Two weeks ago today had my first dose of taxotere.  Have never felt so down in the dumps since I was diagnosed. The joint pain was bearable until I started on the GCSF injections to boost my white cell count.  Then with the side effects from that added to chemo pain I know feel like an old crock. I was really hoping that I would be feeling better by now and already counting down the days to my next dose in 7…

  • Hair!


    Just thought I would announce that I have just washed my hair!!! I know, it''s only about a cm long, but oh so worth it! So quick to dry and style too, but just couldn't decide where to put the parting.

    Second Echo today and breathing much better so better day all round!

  • Story so far!


    Hi, I'm Donna and I was diagnosed with breast cancer on valentines day.  I've since undergone a lumpectiomy and axillary clearance (17 nodes).

    I'm 50 years old and work as a District Nurse, not at all helpful! I have to look up everything and as they say, a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing! I'm very happily married to Richard, my rock and have a lovely son Chris who is 22 and very worried about…