The end in sight!

1 minute read time.

Hi Guys

Haven't posted in a while as the Docatexel has really wiped me off the planet. I seemed to have spent the last 5 weeks lying in my bed and taking pills.  But HEY!!! had my last dose just over a week ago and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Can't believe I've done all 6 cycles now!  It doesn't seem all that long ago I was logging on for my first time, scared to death of what was to come and completely in the dark about everything.

What is so silly now and I just can't seem to get my head around is that I've got cancer???? What on earth is all this about??? All the way through I just concentrated on the ops, treatments and getting through it all. But it never seem to sink in that i was fighting cancer.  And now, bang! There it is, and I just cant seem to get it out of my head. It's almost like post traumatic stress, lol! Oh well, I've managed to fight the devil and hopefully win so I'm not going to let some nasty little thought roam around my tiny brain and get to me now!

I've got a 'mapping' appointment for my radiotherapy next week then 4 weeks of zapping to look forward to.  I'm sure whatever it's like it can't be as bad as the chemo.  And the best news of all . . . . . . I've got my taste buds back and I'm loving my cuppa again, bliss!!!!

Going to start tackling the diet now! I've put on 2 stone during my chemo, 2 stone!!!!! OMG How the hell did that happen?  I've decided that by Christmas I'm going to have a full head of hair and almost back to my start weight. (And my husband thought I was difficult to live with through chemo, lol!!!!) 

So on that happy note!  Keep brave and strong everyone

Love to everyone

Donna xxx

  • FormerMember

    ((((((((((Donna)))))))))) I'm glad to see you have your positive frame of mind to keep you going

    Bee xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Donna, the thought of a nice cup of tea - little things really do mean so much.  Please don't diet yet as your body is still recovering and you will need your energy for radiotherapy.  Make sure  you drink lots and lots of water during radio, dress comfortably, loose clothes, and bucket loads of E45.  No perfume for a while either.  Remember, you are nice and plump which is what your oncologist likes so let your body just be right now.  I can't believe we women still worry about our weight even when we have cancer!  God bless you, I wish you well.  Ann x