Docetaxol Hell

1 minute read time.

Hi there,

Two weeks ago today had my first dose of taxotere.  Have never felt so down in the dumps since I was diagnosed. The joint pain was bearable until I started on the GCSF injections to boost my white cell count.  Then with the side effects from that added to chemo pain I know feel like an old crock. I was really hoping that I would be feeling better by now and already counting down the days to my next dose in 7 days time.  The tips of my fingers are tingling but my nails still look ok. Have painted them with dark red nail varnish today. Hope I haven't left it too late. Just couldn't muster the energy or enthusiasm to do it earlier. 

I've also had cronic back pain which I think is just from lying in bed so long. I've got a lovely new electric chair now and it's really helping.  My hair has started to grow back and I've got a white fuzz on top of my head. Hope it doesn't start to fall out again. Can't wait for it to grow properly! Feel I'm being a right old grump and very sorry for myself. Hope this doesn't happen with each cycle, I'm usually so positive and can't wait to get up and go, but this time I'm just happy to sit in my chair and do nothing. 

Oh well, the weekend is coming and hubby will be home in the day time, perhaps he'll be able to drag me out of my misery!  Hope I have depressed everyone! LOL, I'll try and be a bit more cheerful next time.

Take care all xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donnaree,

    We have all been through your pain. If You are depressed thats what we are here for to listen,and to have a chat.

    Tomorrow is another day. A GOOD DAY.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Donnaree, you're entitled to feel exactly how you want, considering what you are going through.  Unfortunately joint pain goes with the territory so don't be afraid to use your pain relief.  As far as feeling so low, try to take how you feel minute by minute and don't beat yourself up.  This feeling will pass, I know.  I think you should treat yourself to something really nice, something just for you.  I hope you do.  Each time you have your treatment, promise yourself something nice and just go with the flow.  Ann x