Story so far!

1 minute read time.

Hi, I'm Donna and I was diagnosed with breast cancer on valentines day.  I've since undergone a lumpectiomy and axillary clearance (17 nodes).

I'm 50 years old and work as a District Nurse, not at all helpful! I have to look up everything and as they say, a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing! I'm very happily married to Richard, my rock and have a lovely son Chris who is 22 and very worried about his mum. :(

So far I've had 3 cycles of FEC. After the first I ended up back in hospital for a week being completely neutropaenic. I've since been having GCSF injections which have boosted my white cell count however, I am know suffering with severe breathlessness which they haven't been able to diagnose, despite undergoing loads of tests. ECG's ECHO's CAT scans, Xrays, blood tests, you name it i've had it! I never thought breathing would be so much of a problem! I would, just once, like to have a 'good' week!

I'm  seeing my oncologist tomorrow and hopefully with get the go ahead for my next chemo on Friday. It will be my first cycle of taxotere. I can't help wondering what delightful side effects that will bring. I've been suffering really badly with the side effects of the steroids, restlessness and wakefulness, so not looking forward to the increase dose needed for this chemo. 



  • FormerMember

    Hi I'm Lia and my mum has breast cancer too although she's not having chemo.

    I have a bit of knowledge about it though as I just did a cancer care placement!! I;m sorry to hear about your problems being neutropenic, is your WBC count up now? And that is so frustrating not being able to get to the bottom of your breathlessness.

    As for the steroids they are nasty and horrible keeping people up all night. I do hope it goes as well as it can. Keep going one day at a time and remember your family are there for you every step of the way :)

    Good luck tomorrow

    Lots of love and hugs

    Lia xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donnaree,

    It must be worse for you if your in the nursing side. As you say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I hope they manage to get to the bottom of your breathlessness.

    All the best and good luck for tomorrow.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Morning Donna, hope today goes well. Just been diagnosed with BC for the third time in 10 years. Had taxotere 3 years ago and the side effects for me were pretty much what you've already described, restlessness, wakefullness etc. I was prescribed venoflaxine for the restlessness, which seemed to help, but 3 years on I still get the restless legs.  Anyway I expect you just want to get on with the next treatment and get through it.

    I find out tomorrow what delightful treatment they have in store, so am going out for the day to day for a bit of retail with one of my glamorous friends.

    I used to find my 'best' time was the day before chemo so named it the 'night before chemo' and always did something fun.

    It's funny third time round, people think 'oh she's done it before she'll be ok', but it doesn't get any easier!

    Here are some sayings anecdotes that people have side/sent me that I quite like.

    I've got cancer but it hasn't got me!

    You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

    Lastly, cancer is cells behaving badly!

    Good luck for today.


  • FormerMember

    Thanks for you reply guys. Saw the oncologist today and not only did they postpone my chemo they also had the delightful news that a CAT scan I had recently shows that I might also have ovarian cancer as well now! Got another appointment for next tues when they will tell me for definate and whats going to happen. The only saving grace is that if it is they've caught it early as I've had no symptoms at all so far. Also the taxotere chemo I was due to start is also used for ovarian cancer, they just have to tweek it a bit so at least it will save another round of chemo sessions. Got to go for another ECHO tomorrow and have more bloods taken as they still can't sort out my breathing. At least I've got a week off chemo so going to make the most of it. Heavy breathing or not, lol!!!

    I love the 'i've got cancer but it hasn't got me!' that's just how i'm going to think from now on.

    Take care everyone xxxx