Life, the Universe & Everything

  • Little Jen's 5 Minute Relaxation


    Everyone needs 5 mins calm in the day, so....

    Find a warm quiet place to sit in, an upright chair (with extra cushions nearby) and sit down. Sit as upright as you can (use the cushions for your back if needed). Feet on floor. Shut eyes. Breathe. (Always a good idea).

    Imagine sitting in the sun on a warm tropical beach. Wriggle your toes in the sand. Breathe In........Breathe Out. Focus your attention on your breathing…

  • "....however often the sun may rise, A new thing dawns upon our eyes."


    Here I am wanting to share positive thoughts with my MacLand friends.

    Yesterday, I was determined to get to my T'ai Chi class. So glad I went. For 90 minutes, I forgot all the rubbish and concentrated on the Form, the exercises, breathing, my centre etc really putting energy back into me and feeling my strength. (Sorry folks - it's a T'ai Chi thing.) And I was with my lovely caring friends. The good feelings have lasted…

  • No Man is an Island


    On the bad days, in those times when we experience what some call 'the dark night of the soul,' it is hard to remember that we are not alone. It may feel as though that is so, but if we can reach out, however shakily, there is help and support.

    My husband has had a very difficult week, not so much physically, more struggling with what's in his head. It really isn't that long ago he received his diagnosis, and…

  • Life, the Universe & Everything


    Well we are getting better at this stuff. Armed with a million questions, we trotted off for only the 3rd consultation with the oncologist since my husband's diagnosis. You'd think I'd be quite good at this sort of thing by now, having spent the last 3 years accompanying my husband to consultant appointments after his accident and after the same sort of thing with my Ma, who died in the summer.

    Rubbish. Each…