Finding the "New Normal"

  • Metamorphosis


    I have said it enough times that even I am sick to death of hearing myself saying it, but following Laing’s death I have to find out who Tim is. He is no longer one half of Tim and Laing. Laing will always be part of Tim, and that is understood and accepted. So the transformation of Tim and Laing into Tim takes place.

    I have restarted the gym, I have now been back three times and am enjoying lifting the weights…

  • I used to prevaricate, now I’m not so sure.


    I knew, sooner or later, I would have to face up to going back to the gym. I had tried atwo or trhee days but I simply couldn’t.

    Like every before death and after situation, there are all kinds of problems in play. Most people there didn’t know about Laing and I, and those that did were obviously those who would be more sympathetic. Those who didn’t most certainly fell into the category of “hostile”.…

  • While being tested for HIV today ...


    … I suddenly said to Sarah, the nurse doing my test,  ”Christ, Laing died 9 months ago today”.

    Let’s not get ourselves too excited here, my only constant sex partner for some time has been my right hand, and if my right hand was positive then I would up shit creek without a paddle.

    Let’s start the story at the very beginning. As some of you may know, I have been toying with the idea of a…

  • Another “First” on my own.


    When things happen, they happen. And every year, round about this time, when the heating has to come on for more than a quick blast in the morning to top up the hot water, because (as I may have already told you, dear reader) we were the laziest couple in Christendom, and I am trying to uphold that sacred trust, the annual foray into the attic had to take place.

    One the radiators got turned back on, heaven only knows…

  • Today I am fifty eight and eleven twelfths.


    This is a game Laing I played, for reasons I will not explain in detail, but suffice to say, it was part of the glue that kept us, as a family together.

    After such major utterances we would marvel where the time had gone and remember things we had achieved, places we had visited, people we had met. We could never forget our first trip to the US was California, a Tauck coach tour from San Francisco to Los Angeles. A…