Finding the "New Normal"

  • The party’s (almost) over now


    All good things must come to an end, and this current trip, like all the others I have made this year, has been just that. In each case I was worried if I was doing the right thing, since each place and each trip had a Laing reason or association. Why did I worry so? Every journey was the right thing to do. I had demons to face up to, and by facing them I grew stronger with each demon defeated. Don’t think all these victories…

  • Not so much a blog, more a fact of life (and death)


    Earlier today, at about 10.51 a..m. Singapore local time, in Chinatown, I walked past a shop that sold chop sticks by the score. I was overcome by emotion. So what is it about something as mundane as chopsticks that could reduce me to an emotional wreck, albeit for only a minute or two?

    At the Sheraton, Saigon/Ho Chi Minh City last year, when were having that holiday of a lifetime, the one you're supposed to have before…

  • Looking back over my 58th year


    Today is the last day of my 58th  year, and what a year it has proved to be. On my birthday we spent our last day in Rangoon/Yangon after an exhausting but wonderful taster introduction to the country. Part of the day was spent travelling from Rangoon to Penang via Bangkok. We spent a long weekend in Saigon/Ho Chi Minh City, then several days in Bangkok. Little did we realise this was to be our last long haul holiday together…

  • Life is a bitch


    I have had a hectic few weeks, hence not much blog activity.

    I am writing this under the most arduous of circumstances, and I know that you, dear reader, would exchange places with me in a trice to extricate me from this hell on earth.

    I will fill you in with the pain and anguish I have undergone building up to this moment, so you get the full unvarnished truth, which you know is a failing of mine.

    It all began…

  • Clocks, a missing consonant. OUCH!



    This living alone thing is getting on my tits. My new nice smooth tits to be precise. Had I not been such a  stupid vain old queen and shaved myself some weeks ago, it would be perfectly smooth, smoother than my now freshly smooth baby’s what-not. The problem is if hairs are shaved, they do not regrow at an even rate. They regrow at a very uneven rate.…