Finding the "New Normal"

  • Thank you …


    … to all of you who have responded since I resumed the blog, both in public and in private.

    I write this blog in the main to help me. If it helps anybody else then that is a bonus.

    The following is not a plea for responses, in fact, I am asking for none.

    I have no idea what I have said or done that chimes with you, dear reader. I am just another cancer widow(er) who is trying to find his way out of what…

  • I’ve huffed and puffed a bit and I’m back on square two


    It’s funny peculiar, putting one’s thoughts down in a blog releases pent up emotions, and helps one realise those problems aren’t that bad after all, especially when there are others who have different but related tales to tell.

    It it weren’t for Little My reminding me that I’m not the one who has the cancer, I could have sunk down into a deeper self pity. It it weren’t for Margaret853 reminding me…

  • Back to square one


    If you don’t want to read a bile filled self pitying rant, I suggest you stop now and do something else.

    I’ve been back home just under a week. I had my last lesson at school just over a week ago. My two tutors, classwork and conversation, were both impressed by my achievements, as was I. And yet I feel as empty as I did on 19th January 2013 when I returned home for the first time to a house that would…

  • Happiness is ...


    … being the only person in a traghetto crossing the Grand Canal enjoying the dying rays of the sun, and despite being a tourist, standing during the entire crossing and not needing help in and out of the traghetto.

  • Self discovery


    I am 58, going on 59 (time for a song anyone?), and am discovering this new person called Tim.

    There was a wonderful guy I used to know called Tim and Laing, for the sake of convenience, let’s call him Tandl. He was a strange person. Sometimes brash, mostly cautious. He didn’t have a circle of friends since one friend cannot be called a circle. This friend of his was somebody he didn’t need t speak to very much. What…