
3 minute read time.

I have said it enough times that even I am sick to death of hearing myself saying it, but following Laing’s death I have to find out who Tim is. He is no longer one half of Tim and Laing. Laing will always be part of Tim, and that is understood and accepted. So the transformation of Tim and Laing into Tim takes place.

I have restarted the gym, I have now been back three times and am enjoying lifting the weights again, even if I am only on the girly weights. I have to restart from somewhere.

I am enjoying getting a starter (all over) tan before I go on holiday. In the gym last night I noticed my shoulders no longer looked pale and I looked healthier. I also feel it. That extra dose of vitamin D has helped lift my spirits generally since the nights have started to draw in. I’m convinced even my knees don’t ache like they did. I will probably keep the tan topped up after, as I’m sure I will look like sex on legs!

Today is a big step forward for me. If there is one thing I can never forgive Goddess for (it can’t be God, no male would do this to another, except out of malice) is that as hair disappears from the top of the head it seems to sprout in unruly profusion elsewhere, nose ears, back. And on that subject, if there is one sight I find utterly repellent, it is a hairy back. Yuck, yuck, double yuck, yuck. I no longer have Laing’s criticism to face. I am sorting out that issue and few more under the general heading of body hair as well. If you ladies can indulge in body pampering, I say what’s sauce for the goose …

The next question is, what about the unfortunate problem of eyebrows? Individual hairs want to take on a colour of their own and grow out of proportion to the majority, others grow in strange directions. What is a self respecting guy to do about it? I cannot pluck out every grey hair, as I will be left with strange looking bald patches. Should I seek professional help? Do I need counselling? Or should I just go ahead, and add some colouring (I will need handy tips from you ladies how to achieve this) and/or get them trimmed in some professional manner?

Yes, this is all personal vanity, but I have decided even if I don’t end up in another relationship, there is no reason not took look after one’s appearance and show it to my advantage. The difficult trick is not to become mutton dressed as lamb. The last thing I want is to lose all sense of proportion and become akin to the hideous caricature of youth as exemplified by Thomas Mann’s Gustav von Aschenbach in Death in Venice. The preposterous appearance of Dirk Bogarde’s final make-up in Visconti’s film haunts and informs my thinking. Bogarde brings out, strangely through being so mute, the pain and anguish of his involuntary transformation to that of the elderly fop near the start of the tale. He is both elated at the youthfulness it gives him, but he walks with an old man’s gait. At that point, after the transformation when they meet, does Tadzio look at him pityingly or contemptuously? I have still not made up my mind on that.

I may not be turning into a young Adonis (more’s the pity) but into a not yet middle aged chap with a hell of a lot going for him in spite of everything. I have put away the old me for now, but he will be there should I need rescuing, but the new Tim pleases me in his evolution, thus far.

  • FormerMember
    Hi Tim, glad you are looking after your appearance so well. Decided after many a year to have my eyebrows tattooed a few weeks ago before I came to Australia ( having a fabulous time and enjoyed 4 days in fabulous Singapore by the way) and what a difference they made!!! No more waking up and having to pencil in that which was no longer there before I dared face the public. Not for everyone I agree but for me.......priceless!!
  • FormerMember

    Dear Sex on Legs,

    Pleeeease don't do the mutton dressed as Lamb thing... so not a good look  a few grey eyebrows can look gorgeous so go and get them shaped and trimmed but keep the grey. Think George Cloony- going grey but still hot. :)

    So who is responsible for me growing a beard after my free early menopause courtesy of the NHS? God? Wonder if they are having a competition?

     I am aspiring to girly weights so make everyone and I mean everyone look good! I don't care though and like you say you've got to start somewhere and it feels great when you get an assessment and you've improved.  

    Your blog post made me smile. Something to do with hope I think. Hope and future and looking forward rather than backward but accepting the past. Sounds good to me.

    Go and strut your stuff

    Little My x

    (who confesses to pulling out those odd grey hairs that are sneaking in behind my ears when no one is looking)


  • FormerMember

    Hi Tim.  I think it always lifts the spirits to indulge in a bit of pampering.  It also raises my spirits to read your blog. 

    I agree with Little My, a few grey hairs in the eyebrows can look very distinguished. Nothing wrong with looking like George Clooney! However if you insist on removing the grey please do not be tempted to pluck any hairs out.  You can temporarily cover the grey with an eyebrow pencil or some mascara.  Alternatively if you have a steady hand you can can get a permanent professional finish with an eyebrow tinting kit, available for around a fiver on Amazon. 

    I do hope the tan is being achieved by use of a spray and not a sunbed?  Caution is needed with sunbeds, and please make sure you use plenty of high SPF sun cream on holiday. 

    Lastly can I say a word on the subject of hair removal? I completely agree that hairy ears and noses are not a good look for anyone.  However I have always enjoyed looking at a man with plenty of body hair.  Nothing wrong with a bit of fur on the back.  I have never understood men who wax their chests either.  I used to get great pleasure when the tennis player Pete Sampras changed his shirt on court, he had a wonderful display of chest hair.  xx