
  • July 25th


    Had a terrible weekend, phoned specialist nurse at hospital who is arranging a scan but dont know how long that will take. Has said if he gets worse to take him to A n E but Ed hates it there and knows they will put him on ward 34 which is the pits. It is horrendous watching him struggle, trying to eat, taking painkillers, taking movicol to try to keep bowel going then groaning in the bathroom. We both believe the bowel…

  • De ja vous


    Have a feeling we have done this before. Last August ed started having similar pain but went in denial. Insisted on going on holiday to Benidorm first week in September but we had to come home after a few days and he had bowel bypass Oct 2nd. Here we are again same pain, same denial but i insist on contacting hospital.

    Oncologist said constipation was causing pain even though Ed said he was regular. Anyway he has taken…

  • July 2010


    Not what we had hoped for as pain is getting worse for Ed. He has had his usual denial period and temper which is difficult for me to handle even though I know it is his frustration as he tries to fight the cancer. Turned a corner yesterday as i phoned oncology then told him afterwards. I knew when he didnt argue that I had done the right thing and off we went to the doctors for pain relief discussion and a form to get…

  • Scan results May 2010


    It is the end of May and ed has finished 6 cycles of chemo and just had the results, short and sweet. The docor said "it was a good scan and there is no new spread " sounds good but Ed didnt ask any questions so I kept quiet. We go back in 8 weeks.

    Life is good now the chemo is over, Ed is not grumpy and is very happy, as he keeps telling me. He is getting out to the pub or cafe even though only for an hour…

  • into 3rd year of the batle


    Dec 30th 2009, have been away for 2 weeks to rainy spain, but everything was ok. Ed was able to eat out a little. We picked our restaurants carefully and chose mostly fish but we did share a pizza and it was great to be out and about.

    Ed had 1 cycle of chemo but then his bloods were down so he couldnt carry on straight away even though he was already feeling the benefit of chemo and starting to eat a bit better. The…