
  • Manchester was amazing !!!!!!!


    Awesome, spectactular, emotional, cold, wet and windy. I wouldnt have missed the experience for anything and cant wait to enrol for next year.

    The crowds were enormous in spite of the weather and gave us "runners" so much encouragement. I had my name on the number bib and a card in memory to Ed on my back. Spectators called me by name to keep going, that i could do it, and it really helped. Other runners were…

  • manchester next!


    The beaverbrook 10k went well in spite of being soaked to the skin at the start! Plodded on and finished in 93 minutes which was better than I expected. I broke down and cried at the end of the race wishing Ed could be with me for a hug.

    Manchester next week and will try to break the 90 minutes. Looking forward to the atmosphere, bands playing and run through car washes for showers, just got to do that,lol.


  • beaverbrooks 10k


    Well the day has dawned, my 1st 10k and the nerves are terrible. Just wish there were no spectators,lol. i have prayed for cool weather all week and that has ben granted so that must be a sign all will be well.

    When I started training 6 months ago I thought i might be able to do this in an hour, NO WAY! I had no idea how hard it is to improve (from being a couch potato) So now I just want to finish and , perhaps, not…

  • 8 miles


    Having had a rough couple of weeks, tearful, tired and not coping I met up with the group of ladies that I have been traing with and jogged 8 miles this morning. I feel so much better, back on track to make Ed proud, do the Beaverbrook 10k and the Manchester one, both in May to raise money for cancer research. Today was yet another personal best for me as I have never done that distance before even though it took over…

  • Donate for Cancer Research


    Hi everyone, I continue my quest to gain fitness in order to raise money for Cancer Research UK. As my Mac friends will know I lost my precious husband Ed to cancer in October last year. We were married for 48 years. He, like so many, fought bravely and i want to make him proud and fight bravely too.

    I was a couch potato but now i excercise every day and have entered to run/jog in The Great Manchester Run, Sunday May…