
  • sept 8th


    Just got the phone call to say Ed starts chemo next tuesday if blood test ok on monday! At least he gets a chance, im so pleased !!!!!!!  Just feel a bit sheepish as i have posted a letter of complaint earlier. Still I do believe they could have been quicker, Ed has waited 5 weeks from last scan till now. All the best to everyone out there, keep fighting is all we can do, love leisha xxx

  • Sept7th


    Got the phone call just now, Eds heart is 59% but good enough for treatment. Nurse said dont worry about blood test as treatment is to improve symptoms, nothing more. now have to wait for hospital to contact us for treatment. Please please let them hurry up!!!!!!!!!

    GP upped patches to 75 today, Ed sweating alot, side effect of patches but i dont think he has fluid enough for this sweating. Ed has started wretching but…

  • Sept 6th


    Heart scan app today 11am to see if Ed can have chemo with Herceptin. Had a terrible weekend as he cant swallow more than a sip of water now, not eaten for 3 days. Sleeping most of the time but only shallow as the slightest sound causes him to open his eyes, then he is confused as to where he is and what time it is even if he just asked and there is a clock by him but he cant seem to be able to tell the time. Its a nightmare…

  • RESULT ! Aug 27th


    Just come back from seeing oncologist (8am app ) and Ed can have more chemo using Herceptin if he gets through heart scan and blood test ok. HOPE ! This could take 2 weeks to get up and running but i am on their case again so they had better watch out. I had to ring hospital 3 times  to get them to chase up results then they rang to make an appointment for Sept 14th, NO WAY was Ed waiting that long so I kicked up a fuss…

  • Aug 19th


    Had a rough couple of days as ed became agitated and aggressive on Tuesday. had to get the mac nurse wed who got the GP out. he said it was all due to the steroids and gave ed a sedative.Ed was in and out of sleep for next 24 hours but fell over twice trying to get to the bathroom. Luckily he only got a couple of cuts and some bruising and is now feeling a bit better but still in bed. Doc also put him on patches for pain…