Sept 6th

1 minute read time.

Heart scan app today 11am to see if Ed can have chemo with Herceptin. Had a terrible weekend as he cant swallow more than a sip of water now, not eaten for 3 days. Sleeping most of the time but only shallow as the slightest sound causes him to open his eyes, then he is confused as to where he is and what time it is even if he just asked and there is a clock by him but he cant seem to be able to tell the time. Its a nightmare trying to keep the dogs quiet. and i have had to unplug the phone.

I rang his specialist nurse at the hospital to check if it was worth the pain for him to actually take heart scan. She said it was and i trust her. got a son to help and we got him there. They were running late, whats new! I made a fuss and ended up in tears but they got him in. had to wait 30 mins after first injection ( knew that, done it before) but it was so cold in the waiting room, Eds hands were white, more fuss, they put the heating on, then he went for a scan and i could hear him moaning. A nightmare for us both, what a mess, all this pain. Just feel a patient in Eds state should be treated better.Anyway back home in nice warm bed.

His specialist nurse said she would have results today and also she would see if there was anything to help his eating so I sit and wait for her call with my mobile on silent I will hold it in my hand till she calls, fingers still crossed for some respite for Ed.

  • FormerMember

    oh leisha , bless you both ,

    i honestly dont know what to say to help you, i remember being their and its so hard ,no one can understand unless they have been where you are,  always here for you , thinking of you both huge hugs xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Leisha,

    You all have had a hard time. I hope your nurse phones with some good news for a change and that Ed can start to eat again.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Oh Iesha I really truly do hope for some respite from pain for your darling Ed.

    I really do know what you are going through I hope things can improve for you both.

    Fingers crossed for some good news.

    Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Dear Leisha, just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you and hope you get some positive news. Val X

  • FormerMember

    Oh Leisha, i am so sorry things are going rubbish for you and i hate to think of you sitting there waiting for a phone call. Please remember to look after yourself too!!!

    Take Care to you both. Love Kaz x