Learning to accept my mum's advanced stomach cancer & beyond

  • Chemo, more turbulent than an atlantic crossing!


    I haven't been on here for a while as things have been, well just read the title.

    My gorgeous mum has now had 3 lots of chemo every 3 weeks.  We have faced all the horrible symptoms chemo throws as you, including her losing her hair. Probably the worse thing for a woman.  Mum went downhill rapidly after the 3rd treatment and was getting steadily worse, her temperature rose and she couldn't get out of bed.  We took…

  • Chemo cock up's


    Well its been a few weeks since I have been on here and its been an eventful time.   My mum had her first chemo on 27th October and did so well, she is only tiny and the Dr gave her the very maximum chemo he could give her.  She had some cramps so we took a visit to A&E but when she went to see her Oncologist he was astounded how well she looks given the dose.   During the last 3 weeks we have seen her get a fab new wig…

  • First chemo session


    So since I last posted my mum started her chemo on Thursday, I was reassured that they have given her a very expensive chemo at her advanced stage rather than just offering a cheaper less advanced version.  They gave her two very powerful doses and as you can imagine it has knocked her about.   She has had the usual side effects but probably the worse one is severe legs cramps which saw us at the hospital for 6 hours today…

  • Rough day


    Yesterday was a pretty good day, went to see my mum and dad and though my mum was tired we went into town and had coffee, our favourite thing to do. We then spent the rest of the day talking about things very openly about how we were all feeling and I am so lucky we can all do this, many families struggle to talk about their feelings.  I said I felt guilty about having a life and worried I had I been a good enough daughter…

  • Severity is starting to sink in


    Its October 2011 my mum has been diagnosed with stomach cancer with 12 months to live.  I am her only child, she is, my best friend, my advisor, my critic, my biggest fan, my world. This blog will follow from the start to the end of this wonderful woman's life.

    I am 36 and too young to lose my mum at 68. I now need to learn how to cope with this to be strong for her and to help others who read this blog. 

    So this…