Chemo cock up's

2 minute read time.

Well its been a few weeks since I have been on here and its been an eventful time.   My mum had her first chemo on 27th October and did so well, she is only tiny and the Dr gave her the very maximum chemo he could give her.  She had some cramps so we took a visit to A&E but when she went to see her Oncologist he was astounded how well she looks given the dose.   During the last 3 weeks we have seen her get a fab new wig, to losing her hair this week.  We have spent some lovely time together and she has been strong enough to go shopping which is our favourite thing to do. 

I am calming down a bit more now which is good as is everyone else, if I stayed in the constant state of anxiety for much longer I would have made myself ill.  We have all learnt our way to try and cope and get through it.  What didn't help was on the way to my mum last week and some idiot decided to crash into my car on a roundabout.  After he pulled over I screamed at him for about 30 minutes, I think I needed the release to scream at someone, serves him right for driving like an idiot! My poor mum was hysterical when I arrived but I did point out I am alive and its a lump of metal that can be replaced. I have found though that my tolerance to people is pretty low.  A thoughtless text of someone moaning about their job was a good example, I particularly loved the ending of the text 'why me ey, why me' I said I would trade places in a heart beat, funnily enough I never got a reply! I know people have their own lives but think about things and put them into perspective and think about what you are saying to someone!

Yesterday should have been mum's second chemo session but the Dr didn't turn up.  They had to sit there all day waiting and he never showed up.  I am fuming about this.  Mum and dad had built themselves up for it only for the Dr not turn up.  They went back today and thankfully the Dr turned up claiming he never knew anything about it, given he specifically saw her and said to come on that day to see him.  How can you treat people like this when you are seriously ill?

Mum is being more positive now too, we are no longer looking at the year sentence they have issued her, she are looking beyond it and she is already planning a party she wants to attend in Christmas 2012.  I am so proud of her, she is so brave and never complains.  Why do they want to try and take the good one's first?  We are fighting now, all together and not alone.

Life is taken one day at a time, its all we can deal with but we are dealing with it. 

If anyone out there has just found out their much loved one has cancer and in my mum's case advanced cancer with a timed sentence just remember that at the time you never think you will cope.  The first few weeks are absolutely horrific, but something kicks in where you have to cope.  Everyone on here is so remarkable, keep communicating and looking out for each other.

Much love

Sally xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sally,

    You are a very special Lady and your Mum will be proud of you.  You are right why do they take the good ones first. Because Cancer isnt very choosey. Like you say Sally one day at a time. Give your Mum a Big Hug from me,  And you look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Love Sarsfield.xx