First chemo session

1 minute read time.

So since I last posted my mum started her chemo on Thursday, I was reassured that they have given her a very expensive chemo at her advanced stage rather than just offering a cheaper less advanced version.  They gave her two very powerful doses and as you can imagine it has knocked her about.   She has had the usual side effects but probably the worse one is severe legs cramps which saw us at the hospital for 6 hours today. 

Every day feels like we are all on a roller coaster.  My dad who isn't in great health is trying his best but is in a permanent state of anxiety over caring for her.  I am so pleased that work have changed my hours so I now have Monday's off, this means I get to spend quality time with my mum and more importantly I can give my dad a break (were sending off to golf tomorrow!)

When I first heard mum had a year to live I went to pieces.  I couldn't function properly but thanks to so many people on here you have given me hope.  We are now looking at this journey as a fight and that the Dr isn't god and knows the exact day she will die. We go on, we fight, we focus on the future and face each day with strength and courage.

The whole ordeal is exhausting for everyone, for my mum, my dad, for me, for my husband putting up with me snapping at him, for our family of aunties and uncles and cousins and my inlaws with their countless bouquets of flowers to cheer my mum up to my amazing friends who have been my rock and picked me up when I have been in pieces and to my friends on this site.  Its nice to know you are not alone.

When my mum gets stronger I will get her to come on the site, right now she doesn't want to talk to anyone that isn't in her immediate family but I think she will get great comfort and support from being on this site.

Keep strong everyone xxx 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sally

    That's the spirit girl.  Doctors don't know everything.  They had my brother in a box and buried by now and he is proving them all wrong.  We know his condition is terminal but he is fighting it every inch of the way and doing brilliantly.

    By staying positive you will give your Mam (and Dad) strength to fight as hard as she can, although there may be times when she hasn't the strength and will just need to rest up - post chemo sessions being one of these times.  It does seem to knock the stuffing out of most people but Gordy seems to be taking it well in his stride for the moment anyway.

    I too have some amazing friends who keep my spirits raised and I have also found some amazing new friends in Macland who I have found invaluable.

    Keep your chin up.

    Much love,

    Nin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sally,

    Very wise words from Nin. I was given 3 yrs to live 13 yrs ago and Im still here and intend to stay for a long time yet . So keep up the fight and look after yourself .

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Sarsfield you are a true inspiration and proof that you are winning the fight.  Much love to you xx

    Nin I am sure you don't need me to tell you how lucky Gordy is to have you helping him fight.  Keep fighting my dear friend you are brilliant xxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sally,

    Good on you for seeing this as a fight, you sound like a tough cookie which is exactly what your mum will need right now. Where there's life, there's hope, my uncle was given six months to live when he was diagnosed with non hodgkins lymphoma, that was in 1975 and the stubborn old bugger is still here and still giving everyone grief!

    They don't seem to stint on chemo for some reason, my dad's cancer was terminal but they gave him an expensive type of chemo, which I was very pleased about. It is exhausting, I remember that, but I can tell you that you do adapt, kind of the way new parents adapt to sleep deprivation, you work around the tiredness and after a while you notice it less as it becomes more routine and less new. But you will need the odd day off here and there to recharge your batteries, remember that wearing yourself won't do anyone any good! And husbands will take a lot of shouting when they realise you're not doing it to be mean, you're doing it because you're stressed. Mine took the most ridiculous amount of grief from me while my dad was ill and bless him, he never reacted or yelled back!

    Stay strong and I hope your mum is having a good day today, love Vikki x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Vikki, wow your uncle is an inspiration, 36 years on and still going strong. Yes my husband takes the approach of just ignoring me when I have a rant! We have had quite a few bad days but today she is having a good day which is a relief. Just got to keep her in the fighting mindset. Hope you have a good day today. Sally xxx