Severity is starting to sink in

1 minute read time.

Its October 2011 my mum has been diagnosed with stomach cancer with 12 months to live.  I am her only child, she is, my best friend, my advisor, my critic, my biggest fan, my world. This blog will follow from the start to the end of this wonderful woman's life.

I am 36 and too young to lose my mum at 68. I now need to learn how to cope with this to be strong for her and to help others who read this blog. 

So this week we have heard that ' the cancer has spread' to 'its advanced you have 12 months to live, we will put you forward for a clinical trial with your chemo' to 'sorry the clinical trial has now started you are too late' Its been a week of horrific blows.  My head feels like its about to explode and I can't think of anything other than the lovely things we have done together since I can remember, songs on the radio make my eyes fill up, adverts remind me of things we have done and an empty uncertain future is ahead of me.

How do you ever come to terms with this? How do you stop feeling angry?  How do you stop feeling like your head is about to explode? when does the pain inside stop hurting? when do you stop feeling nauseous?  How do you muster the strength to see your beautiful wonderful mum and keep a smile on your face? how do you stay strong for your aleady emotionally weak bereft father? 

These are questions I hope to find the answers to with your help. I am one of the lucky one's, I have a husband and a dad, but I still feel like a little girl in the middle of a crowded place on their own.

Please keep following my blog and if you can please help share your experiences or give support if you can.  We are all in this together x



  • FormerMember

    Sally I too am facing the loss of my wonderful mum. She was told in March that she was terminal and despite a heart attack and a PE in June, she is still going.  The feelings you describe I can empathise with totally, for me it took about 3 months for them to subside and even then, not disappear.  They just become easier to cope with  - in short I have had to learn to ride the wave of my emotions.  Two good pieces of advice I got that struck a chord with me were...

    1. Now is not the time for your tears - we will both have plenty of time to cry when our mum's jouneys come to an end.

    2. Stay strong - I can't abide people will cope, you will be ok etc but I can understand the sentiment that we have got to try and stay strong for our loved ones.

    One piece of advise I wasn't given but I think it deserves a mention, advocate and care for your mum in this last phase as you know she would advocate and care for you it your roles were reversed - if you hold this value close then you can relax into any decisions that you need to make in the future.

    Lastly, try to take care of yourself - I am not so good at this but I hear it from others often and I see the importance of it.  In the first few weeks I felt guilty even enjoying a cuppa or a bath but now I know that I need to take care of me if I am to take care of my mum.

    Take care

    Annie xx


  • FormerMember

    Hello Annie

    Let me firstly say how very sorry I am to hear about your mum, my heart truly goes out to you. I must say I am so glad to hear from you though, you won't know how much your comment has helped me, to find someone in the same situation as me!

    I can't believe how much of an emotional wreck I have become, I am such a tough person normally with a job that requires me to be a real tough cookie so I just can't recognise the person I have become!

    When I heard it was terminal I broke down in front of my mum and that destroyed her and made her worry about me, I knew right then I couldn't do that to her again.  Everytime she see's me now I have a smile on my face.  We have to face some tough conversations but I said to give me a little bit of time until we have got over the trauma of it and then we will deal with it.

    I will also take your advice and totally relate to the guilt aspect. I will start going to the gym again soon as its a great stress reliever for me.  I am also getting an immense amount of support from friends and family which has overwhelmed me. 

    I want something positive to come out of my mum's life, she is the loveliest, kindest, caring person you will ever meet.  Everyone loves her which is why I cant understand why its happening to her.  I feel like screaming 'why my mum'.  I guess I things to settle down a bit.

    Please keep in touch with your journey, were not strangers anymore!

    Sally xxx



  • FormerMember


    I have no idea how you cope with this but do know that you have joined a wonderful group of people who will share your pain... keep sight of what is important and don't worry about doing whats right in everyone else's eyes, just do what you feel is right for your and your loved ones.. we all cope with Cancer in our own ways. I have only recently been diagnosed with Breast Cancer and am traveling an uncertain road at the moment. My children have laughed and cried and been angry and sad. My youngest is only 16 and like you is very scared. I also feel like a lost child at the moment but am getting much comfort in the fact that my fears are real and others have travelled this road.


    Big hugs and be kind to yourself.

    Amanda x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Amanda

    As I said to my mum she may have the cancer but we are all going through it together and its like we have it too and I expect this is the same for you and your family.  My heart goes out to you and hope that your journey is a long and happy one.

    You are right this is a brilliant place to get support from people going through exactly what you are.

    Take great care of yourself, I hope you keep in touch

    Sally xxx 


  • FormerMember

    Dear sally

    I would just like to say dont give up hope of further treatment. My husband was told over 3 years ago 'its terminal and there is nothing'. I did so much research as I am sure you will that I found a drug that gave him almost two and half years of extra life and then some. If you read my profile you will see. There are so many drugs/trials out there you have to push for them. If you ask they have to consider.

    There will be other clinical trials. Do loads of research. DO IT

    Very best of luck jmd xxx