kezzerbird's blog

  • Kezzerbird and Summit

    Hi guys.......................after my happy and sad blog I did the other day, I thought I would give you an update on me and my looney puppy Summit. Summit is now 12 weeks old and growing like mad. She has the longest legs I've ever seen and with all the walking we have done you would think they would be extremely short. Having had Border Collies all my life all the others were very intelligent, Summit seems to be the…
  • Happy and Sad all in a day

    Hello my lovelies............................On Monday I was pacing my kitchen floor having returned from having a massarge and physio on my arm (side effects from Taxol from last March) waiting for 3 o'clock to come before leaving to see my consultant to find out if my damn cancer had returned or not. I had a phone call to say a friend was back in hospital and has given up even trying to fight his cancer, so I made sure…
  • Then and now

    Hi my lovelies...................I was just thinking, which is an amazing feat in itself with me,WHAT WAS I DOING A YEAR AGO...........................The answer.....................vommiting for England and seemingly loosing my battle.My body had gone elsewhere leaving this stick person hanging from my neck, along with my Hickman line, my thick waist length hair gone and a new shiney bald bonce there instead. WHAT AM…
  • Me and Summit!!!!

    Hi guys........................Well the Kezzerbird is still missing be held but hay ho I suppose you can't have everything. I have a new mate in my life and she is called Summit (stands for.....she's summit else!) She is an 8 week old Border Collie and she is completely crazy, takes after me I guess! I have had dogs all my life and lost one dog on my birthday last year, then got cancer, then lost my other dog a few months…
  • I miss being held

    Hello my lovelies..................The mad Kezzerbird here asking for some advice. I am still in steady remission and life is fairly good, once again I have hair on my head (it was long, thick and straight before cancer) it is short, thick and wavy come curly now! and I have some meat on my old bones again. I still have my scar going from my ribs to my boots and Henry my stoma, the only thing that cancer seems to have…