Then and now

1 minute read time.
Hi my lovelies...................I was just thinking, which is an amazing feat in itself with me,WHAT WAS I DOING A YEAR AGO...........................The answer.....................vommiting for England and seemingly loosing my battle.My body had gone elsewhere leaving this stick person hanging from my neck, along with my Hickman line, my thick waist length hair gone and a new shiney bald bonce there instead. WHAT AM I DOING A YEAR LATER..............................My body has returned, minus the great muscle tone, which I am working on and I have little fat rolls again (ansome!!)( cornish for hansome!!!) My hair is coming back, though I had to have it thined out due to the local bird population moving into it! According to mates I look sooooooooooooo much younger with short hair, oh to be this beautiful is hard work! And of course I am back looking after all my animals,six parrots, one python, millions of tropical fish and not forgetting Summit the latest edition to the fold,my crazy nine week old Border Collie. I recyle like you wouldn't believe, the birds bedding for compost and the fish water for the plants,my garden I looking great (that may also have something to do with the million gallons of rain that we have had so far this summer!) I almost forgot my nine cockatiels too! In August I have a new grand daughter arriving, that makes number 7, I will be seeing one of my brothers that I haven't seen in years, I have a 21st birthday party to go to and I get my scan results (gulp!) so hopefully I will still be in remission. Well my lovelies, I am of to walk to crazy mutt, so take care. Hugs to all those that want them.Love Carol x
  • FormerMember

    This time last year I was on day 6 of radio - piece of cake I thought (must have been around day 20 when all the skin fell of the area despite masses of aqueous cream as directed). I was at least a stone lighter than I am now . . . . . .  its not my fault! everyone wanted to take me to lunch to celebrate my recovery and it would be rude to say no.

    I've made some amazing friends through this site, people who've supported me like no-one else can (no matter how much they love you, they don't always understand just want you are feeling).

    Carol its people like you who help us all though the good and bad days. Enjoy your family (the old, the new arrivals and the feathery/furry/slithery ones) and yes please, I'll take the hug

    love and gentle hugs

    Sharry x

  • FormerMember

    A year is a long time in cancer! Really pleased for you and big hugs back.

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Luverly blog soooooooooo pleased for you - keep it up

    Enjoy your birds and animals - its good to see someoneelse is such a soft touch with animals

    We have 5 greyhounds (ex racers) 7 cats 1 cockatoo and a pond full of fishywishies

    Thanks for the hugs

    Take care
