kezzerbird's blog

  • What was happening a year a year ago..


    Hi guys...........just sitting here drinking my usual bucket of tea and thinking that my usual holiday is looming (yes back on the narrow boat in North wales) and remembered what was going on this time last year.

    2008...........I had my operation (radical hysterectomy, large chunk of bowel removed and my ormentum taken away) I was left with tumours in the linning of my stomach, which would hopefully be destroyed by the…

  • Stars against Bloggs!


    Are we now a writting club? What are these stars all about. I find it offensive that what is being said is fair, average, good or brilliant. I certainly don't write on here to be judged by anyone, I am not after stars against my bloggs

  • Hospital I find out!

    Hi Guys................Found this in our local paper! CANCER PATIENTS NOT BEING TOLD ABOUT REDUCED RATE PARKING A cancer charity claims that regular patients of hospitals in Cornwall and Plymouth are not being told about special parking rates. Macmillian Cancer Support said that while Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust (I attend this one) and Derriford Hospital are better than most hospitals elsewhere in the UK they were not…
  • Amazing really........I do exsist!!

    I am the youngest of 7 kids (old fossiles now!) It is amazing that I get cancer and all of a sudden I exsist to my remaining sister and 3 brothers. I always had the rubbish Christmas cards but nothing else, which to be honest I prefered, then when I was diagnosed my son told me to contact my family and if I didn't he was going to (I wasn't going to because I felt that if they have never bothered with me before, not to…
  • Another goal reached

    Hi my lovelies...................Just to let you all know that I have just returned from seeing my new grand-daughter come into the world. It is another goal reached has I should not have been around. I almost lost my battle last year but obviously I won this part of the battle (but not the war) So welcome Lyra May, grand baby number seven..........Love and hugs to those who want them..........Carol x