kezzerbird's blog

  • Kezzerbird and the tattoo!! oh no!


    You all should know that I am not the "normal" what ever that maybe and you all know that I shall be 50 on Monday. I always said when I was younger that I would grow old disgracefully and I think I have done a grand job of that!!!!!! My son has paid for me to have a tattoo done, so what you may say, WELL I always say that cancer can kiss my that is what my new tattoo will say…

  • Not old enough to be 50!


    Hello guys.....Before I go down and thaw out my parrots down in the avairy, I thought I would do an update. Kev, my other half is under investigation at work for having too much time off because I had cancer and has far as they  are concerned he wasn't ill, so why did he need time off work, they knew I was expected to die but obviously didn't, but that shouldn't have had an effect on him (grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!) so we are still…

  • 2010 and no one thumped me!


    Hi guys................the Kezzerbird managed to get through the night without getting thumped (female bouncer) one lad got his face re arranged by two yobs and two girlies had a cat fight on the dance floor (hair and nails flying every where!!) they saw the New Year in via the car park!!!!!! compliments of yours truely. I got a big hug from two of the biggest women known to man and my bum pinched all night by young men…

  • 2010 To friendship


    Well guys another year gone and a new one about to begin, I wonder what this new year will bring us eh. I will proberly get caught up in a fight tonight at work (night club old girlie bouncer!) I am there till 6 tomorrow morning! but then it makes a change fighting something other than cancer for me. Some are about to start on there journey of cancer, some are part way through and some are hanging on to remission like…

  • Cancer took alot but it gave me you guys


    Well guys.....the season for the kezzerbird to be kicking bums at the night club is upon us and it is time also for the kezzerbird to reflect on the last 18 months. Ummmm! What has cancer done to me and for me.....Cancer confirmed the sort of person I thought I was............strong, funny, dam good looking, even when bald, capable of vomitting for England, able to ware my hair on my pillow, sheets ect, very good at taking…