kezzerbird's blog

  • Just to warn you


    Anyone who has a gas fire, boiler or cooker please take note.

    Two days ago four of my birds died, they where in my kitchen, it turned out to be carbon monoxide poisoning and I had a carbon monoxide alarm up and it didn't pick it up, the alarm was quite new and the battery was new. So please check your alarms if you have them and make sure they are good ones.

    I am gutted about my birds, but they saved our lives.…

  • What is wrong with some people part 2


    Just to let you know the results of my moaning on the last blog I did!!!!

    After fighting five damn cancers and getting my poor ole tattooed butt back to my beloved job ( Female bouncer in a nightclub for those who don't know) my male colleagues who were  my mates before my illness in March 08, have turned into over sized old women and covered in chicken feathers!!!!! It as finally come to a head after four of us got…

  • What is wrong with some people!!


    For those who know me, I am a fight-able but lovable old bat. I am reaching the 11th month into remission from,Ovarian, bowel, womb, stomach and ormental cancers and I went back to work in October last year as Internal head door supervisor after a year of hell and 10 months to recover, to get fit and strong again so that my work mates could feel that I was well enough to do my job again and resume working together again…

  • Kezzerbirds' Tattoo OUCH!!!!!


    There I bet some of you thought I wouldn't do it uh!!


    See I told you!!

  • Kezzerbird and the Party



    Well it is official I am now a member of 'The mere baby club' and what a party my bosses gave me WOW.

    They had a cake made for me, I am fondly known has the Doorbitch and the belt I ware has Bitch on it, hence what is on the cake!


    Balloons appeared and Champaign and they all sang Happy Birthday to me and the tears started to fall, the emotions were running high, they all remember what state I was…