Not old enough to be 50!

1 minute read time.

Hello guys.....Before I go down and thaw out my parrots down in the avairy, I thought I would do an update. Kev, my other half is under investigation at work for having too much time off because I had cancer and has far as they  are concerned he wasn't ill, so why did he need time off work, they knew I was expected to die but obviously didn't, but that shouldn't have had an effect on him (grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!) so we are still waiting for the outcome of that joke to see if they are going to try and sack him........

I struggled to get back to work and finally did last October has Internal head door supervisor, it started off well with my door crew but now they are all fighting amongst  themselves and moaning like a bunch of girlies but I am still doing my job like I did before cancer and have been put in some nasty situations without  back up and some of these guys were my friends, maybe I have grown another head since being in remission, who knows!!!!!!.......

Last but not least, I am 50 on Monday and my bosses are doing a birthday bash for me this Sunday (oh bad head to follow) I have now decided to get a few more things under my belt this year , don't know what yet mind, in the spring it's body boarding and Kayaking and going off on my motor bike, I have to get these things in while I still can just in case......sod the anti wrinkle cream!.....lots of love and hugs to those that want carol xx 

  • Hi Carol

    Hope you have a lovely birthday on Monday. 50 is the new 30. lol

    Sue xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Blimey Sue, I hope 50 isn't the new 30, I didn't like my 30's! lol

  • FormerMember

    Many Happy Returns - isn't it nice to reach a milestone that you had wondered if you would ever see happen!! Hope you have a wonderful time and fingers crossed re hubby work Love Jools xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol...i hope you have a fantastic 50th birthday. I had mine last september..on the day of my 2nd chemo cycle...but it was great...the chemo ward gave me a lovely cake n generally made a fuss of me...n the week after (so i cud recover from the chemo side effects) my family threw me a surprise party. Despite everything it was the best birthday ive ever had.

    I do agree with you not old enough to be 50 is an attitude not a number....

    Love Sharon xxx

  • FormerMember

    Don't believe you are 50 Carol, you are kidding us!! you look too young.

    Tony x