2010 and no one thumped me!

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Hi guys................the Kezzerbird managed to get through the night without getting thumped (female bouncer) one lad got his face re arranged by two yobs and two girlies had a cat fight on the dance floor (hair and nails flying every where!!) they saw the New Year in via the car park!!!!!! compliments of yours truely. I got a big hug from two of the biggest women known to man and my bum pinched all night by young men (perks of the job!!) and guys... this time last year I was unable to stand up and was waiting chemo number ten.

I crawled into my bed at 6.45 this morning, tired but happy with my lot and how lucky I am to be here. So 2010 bring it on. All my love and more......Carol the Kezzerbird XX

  • FormerMember

    Quiet night then hun!!  

    So wonderful to think of you standing tall, showing us all that it can be done.  Have an amazing year, you deserve it.

    Judi xx

    P.S. Try teatree oil on the bruises on the bum!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Good news you had a quiet night, I somehow think they had more sense. My regards to Monty.

    Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hi carol

    your job sounds fun. all that power! getting thumped is not much fun though but i guess you go on anger management training. theres alot of psychology to calming anger! you must know a lot about people.

  • FormerMember

    It is a fete isn't it?  To be where we are right now.  I have been telling everyone Happy New DECADE!  I'm getting greedy - I want the whole next 10 years to be GREAT!

    Many blessings and joys at the moment and talked about it on my last blog entry.  Finding myself in a whole new place looking out over the horizon and deciding where we want to go from here.  A really great thing.

    So Carol... Happy New DECADE to YOU!



  • FormerMember

    Today is the first day of a new year. I

    hope it brings to everyone here in

    Macland and beyond a year to look

    forward to better things, a new beginning, Chemo kicking this bloody

    cancer into hell below and for peace

    all over the World.

    Love Lucylee. xxxx