Cancer took alot but it gave me you guys

1 minute read time.

Well guys.....the season for the kezzerbird to be kicking bums at the night club is upon us and it is time also for the kezzerbird to reflect on the last 18 months. Ummmm! What has cancer done to me and for me.....Cancer confirmed the sort of person I thought I was............strong, funny, dam good looking, even when bald, capable of vomitting for England, able to ware my hair on my pillow, sheets ect, very good at taking advice and letting doctors poison me on a regular basis and THANKING them for doing it!!!!!, still having a sense of humor, getting a tune out of my stoma Henry, loosing my lovely bum and growing it back a year later and fighting against the odds, learning to cry and asking for help, learning what is really important and living life the best way i can for how ever long I have been given and knowing that every new day is a day I should not have had.

Sights I have seen, like seeing another grand child come into the world, the views from the top of my mountain, watching my female Border Collie Summit (now 7 months old) humping my partners arm and my sons leg for a past time!!!!!, hearing one of  my parrots Kezzer the chicken bird swearing at me in my own voice! seeing my consultants slapping eachother and admiring their work, seeing my Mac nurse yesterday and seeing the grin on his face BUT the most amazing thing that cancer has given me is YOU guys, so I wish to say a big thankyou to all my old mates who have followed me through hell and out the other side and to those wonderful new friends I have made on here, we have fought together and will continue to do so, for some this Christmas will be such a hard time, I will be thinking of you all and sending you my love and my thoughts, together we are strong........Loads of love from carol the mad kezzerbird xxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hope you have a great Christmas Kezzerbird and find lots of suitable bums to kick!

    Bad Fairy x

  • FormerMember

    Oi you,

    Not a single tear today ... not even when the Pouges and Kirsty McColl were on the radio, not even when I fell on the ice and hurt my bun (was that you giving it a cyber kick!)

    But no, Kezzerbird then has to go and write a beautiful blog that has them pouring down my face!!!!!!

    Love to you at Christmas hun, and go kick some more ass.

    Judi xx

  • FormerMember

    We met you as well Kezzer and I am so glad we did. Hope you have a great Christmas, a terrific hogmany - "Lang may yer lum reek!" but just as important have a great 2010. You could kick my ass anytime if I had one!

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Carol what a lump that brought to my throat, I am so pleased for you. All of the things you said are so true I am sure of most of us.

    You Enjoy your work as always

    Have a wonderful Christmas and a Prosperous and healthy New Year

    Love to you and yours


  • FormerMember

    Such lovely thoughts, brought a tear to my eye.

    Here's to a fabulous 2010 for all of us, one way or another !