2010 To friendship

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Well guys another year gone and a new one about to begin, I wonder what this new year will bring us eh. I will proberly get caught up in a fight tonight at work (night club old girlie bouncer!) I am there till 6 tomorrow morning! but then it makes a change fighting something other than cancer for me. Some are about to start on there journey of cancer, some are part way through and some are hanging on to remission like myself still not knowing but we have always fought together and we shall carry on together. I wish only good things for 2010 and to continue our great friendships....I will raise a glass to friends old and new.....much love  Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Oh Kezzer, you scare the livin daylights out of me... let alone the pimplies!  You take care tonight and all the very best for midnight........and beyond!

    Cherryl xx

  • FormerMember

    Keep safe tonight Carol! I hope 2010 is good to us all! 10 years since the Mellenium how fast time go's. Take Care love Julie xxxx

  • FormerMember

    As you say - let's raise a glass to friends old and new.  I don't think I could have got through the last 2 years without my What Now friends - and people like you, dear Carol, who are such an inspiration.  Thank you for always being there for me!  Enjoy the fight tonight - at least it's tangible!  And here's to the new year - and the new decade.  May they be happy and healthy for all of us.

    Much love, Kate xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi carol, wondered where you had got to,busy times for you keeping all they Cornishmen under control. Enjoy tonight, raise the glass with us all ,and a Guid New Year from Scotland from an adopted west country man in exile!!!

    Best Wishes

    Tony x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, All the very best t you and yours for 2010. May your remission last a long time. Your help and friendship have  helped bring me through the past 15 months.

    Stay safe tonight

    Love Teri & Bert