kezzerbird's blog

  • Kezzerbird and the Tarantula!!!!!


    I have never been the best person on the planet to upset, I admit and when someone gets up my nose, they know about it big time. I am laughing my head off at the moment and here is the reason why!!!!!

    Kev my other half aka happiness on a stick aka the wigs stand, threw a wobberly big style the other day because the hose pipe wouldn't work, he almost took the front door off the hinges when he slamed it behind him and…

  • Kezzerbird......trying to stay awake


    Hello my lovely mates out there in Macland...just to say that my chemo seems to have kicked in all of a sudden and I am finding it hard to even stay awake at the moment, but the way I look at it is, that if I feel like crap, then so does my cancer, it is getting its butt kicked again and I need all the beauty sleep I can get, believe me!!!!! It is two and a half years in with cancer and the bird keeps on fighting, no…

  • Kezzerbird......out clubbing!!!!!!! again!!!!!


    Yesterday I was in bed by 4 feeling drained as you do after a long day having chemo, I have so much to do around the house but I have learned from the last time round that when your body says rest, that is exactly what you do and after all the world doesn't stop turning if the housework isn't done!!!!! I woke up a 2 this morning a put on my glad rags and when up to the club,my place of work (when I am in remission again…

  • Kezzerbird..........give me strength!!!!!!!


    I saw my consultants understudy and the cancer nurse, not happy, this girlie checked me out, I had to make it clear what was going on with me and this new she went, then my Onc appeared 'Oh your hair is growing back well' says he. I haven't bloody lost it yet, says I, 'Well you should have with Cisplatin and Estopeside' says he. followed by, you need to have a scan and we need it done today so we can see what…

  • Kezzerbird....not my normal self at the mo


    I don't often moan or winge on here but at the moment I am worried and I just need to put it down, I don't want to say anything to my family just yet. I have a lump which I found last night near to where my right ovary used to be. When I was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in March of 2008, the cancer and massed on the muscle wall close to the ovary and after many cock ups by the hospital, with 3 months the cancer had filled…